Field           Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries


Revision of Forestry Operations Advanced unit standard 1224






Forestry Operations Advanced



The Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council has completed the revision of the of the unit standard listed above.


Date new version published                                                                 December 2023


Planned review date (no change)                                                         December 2027




This revision results from a provider request to address a significant barrier to assessment in the unit standard.  The current version of the unit standard requires the use of electronic prescription maps, but they are not yet consistently available throughout the industry.  Outcomes, performance criteria and range statements have been adjusted to accommodate the use of paper-based prescription maps in assessment, as appropriate.


Main changes


·      Except for outcome 5 and performance criterion 5.2, which is a theoretical criterion specific to electronic prescription maps and cannot be assessed using a paper-based prescription map, references specifying ‘electronic prescription map(s)’ have been removed from outcomes, performance criteria and range statements throughout.

·      The word ‘potential’ has been added to performance criterion 5.1, and ‘potential uses’ to its range statement, as QR codes are not currently in routine use in forestry operations.

·      Performance criteria 4.3 and 4.4 have been moved from the otherwise theoretical outcome 5 into outcome 4, which contains related criteria.

·      Range for performance criterion 5.2 has been adjusted to include both aspects of the assessment: ‘and their solutions’ has been added to the requirement ‘evidence of three challenges’.