Field: Agriculture, Environmental and Related Studies

Change report for Forest Industry New Zealand Certificate   



Qualification Title (Level)




New Zealand Certificate in Forest Industry Foundation Skills (Level 2)



Review information

Qualification Developer

Muka Tangata – People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council  

Reason for the review

Scheduled review

Review date

July 2023

Outcome date

November 2023

Next review date

November 2028


Summary of development/review and consultation process

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council reviewed the above qualification as part of the Forestry qualification suite review involving all Forestry qualifications and standards from Levels 2-6. Consultation with industry began July 2023. A steering group and three working groups were formed for the purposes of the review. The working groups consisted of various members from contractors to employers with subject matter expertise within forestry areas such as silviculture, harvesting, and road works operations. These working groups assisted with reviewing the Forest Industry (Level 2)qualification. In addition, providers were consulted on a monthly basis to provide guidance from a programming perspective.

Industry reported that the current structure of the current qualification lacks flexibility to allow learners to achieve and fails to provide accurate pathways leading into the forestry industry. Consequently, they recommended that that the qualification be based on a core set of skills and knowledge (health and safety, well-being emphasis on mental health, employment pathways, Mātauranga Māori). The qualification should, where possible, be micro-credentialised to provide flexibility for learners.

Therefore, due to the scale of change, the New Zealand Certificate in Forest Industry Foundation Skills (Level 2) will be expired and replaced by New Zealand Certificate in Forest Industry Foundation Skills with strands in Harvesting, Silviculture and Earthworks (Level 2) [Ref: 4918-1].


Main changes resulting from the review process

The significant changes to the present qualification required a replacement of the current qualification.

New Zealand Certificate in Forest Industry Foundation Skills (Level 2) [Ref: 2325-3]

·         This qualification will be expired and replaced with a new qualification:  New Zealand Certificate in Forest Industry Foundation Skills (Level 2) with strands in Harvesting, Silviculture and Earthworks [Ref: 4918-1].

·         The last date of entry to programmes leading to this qualification is 31 December 2024 and the last date of assessment is 30 June 2025.

·         Standard setting body information was updated to Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council.

New Zealand Certification in Forest Industry Foundations Skills with strands in Harvesting, Silviculture and Earthworks (Level 3) [Ref: 4918-1]

·         Qualification updated to include specialised strands in harvesting, silviculture, and earthworks.

·         Credit value range is 40-50, depending on strand.


Review outcome



Reviewed qualification

Outcome category

New qualification details/version

(if applicable)



New Zealand Certifiate in Forest Industry Foundation Skills (Level 2)



New Zealand Certificate in Forest Industry Foundations Skills with strands in Harvesting, Silviculture and Earthworks (Level 2)

C-New replacement qualification


to expire






Qualification review outcome categories




Minor changes to the qualification

Qualification version number and ID (Ref) remain the same

New review date is required


Moderate changes to the qualification

New qualification version number

ID (Ref) remains the same

New review date is required


Significant changes to the qualification

New replacement qualification with a new ID (Ref)

The existing qualification will expire


The qualification is no longer required by industry

The qualification will expire with no replacement



Transition information



Qualification Title (Level)

Last date of entry*

Last date of assessment



New Zealand Certificate in Forest Industry Foundation Skills (Level 2)



*only required for outcome category C or D


Any additional information

It is anticipated that no existing candidates will be disadvantaged by these transition arrangements. However, anyone who feels that they have been disadvantaged may appeal to Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council at the address below. Appeals will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

PO Box 445

Wellington 6143


Phone: 04 909 0288

