Inactive private training establishments

Information for PTEs on suspending programmes when there is an unexpected event

A private training establishment (PTE) may want to stay registered, but become inactive, as a result of a force majeure.

A force majeure is a natural disaster, fire, flood or other similar unexpected and extraordinary major events.

A PTE becoming inactive is also known as hibernation.

What it means to be inactive

Inactive PTEs may be able suspend their accredited programmes and approved training for up to 2 years. PTEs will remain registered during this time.

External quality assurance and assurance fees will stop during the hibernation period.

PTEs will still need to pay their Annual Fee, but they can request a flexible payment plan if needed.

Why apply for inactive PTE status

The Education and Training Act section 352 states that the registration of a PTE lapses if a PTE doesn't deliver at least 1 approved programme, training scheme or micro-credential within a 12-month period.

If NZQA approves a PTE to be inactive, this keeps a PTE's registration.

Review the policy for a PTE to be inactive [PDF, 203 KB]

Please note: Currently COVID-19 is not a reason for hibernation

Expectations of PTEs

NZQA expects PTEs to deliver their programmes and training to current students.

If PTEs stop delivering programmes and training due to a force majeure, NZQA will work with PTEs to support students to make other arrangements.

Current students will be entitled to a pro rata refund, as set out in the Student Fee Protection Rules (SFP). Enrolled students who haven't started their studies are entitled to a full refund.

Before a PTE can become inactive, they need to settle any compliance matters with NZQA. Flexible payment plans are available for PTEs that owe fees to NZQA.

Student fee protection rules 2022 (external link)

Apply to be an inactive PTE

To apply to become inactive a PTE needs to:

  • complete the inactive PTE request form
  • email the form to
  • inform Immigration New Zealand.

NZQA will issue a letter confirming the PTE is inactive for up to 12 months or less.

If a PTE needs an extension, the PTE must tell NZQA at least 2 weeks before their inactive status expires.

Inactive PTE request form [DOCX, 138 KB]

Email PTE request form

Email Immigration New Zealand student contact

What happens when a PTE is inactive

When a PTE is inactive, PTEs must:

  • maintain any approved programme, even if another tertiary provider holds accreditation for the approved programme
  • get NZQA approval for any change of ownership during this time
  • make a recovery plan to resume programmes or training schemes, including applying for any programme changes
  • contact the Ministry of Education to submit international student enrolment data if they are an Unfunded International Provider (UIP)
  • complete the SFP Audit for the previous year and send it to NZQA
  • not keep student fees in a PTE's trust account.

NZQA does not:

  • take an Annual Statutory Declaration when a PTE is inactive
  • do external quality assurance during this time, including EERs, validation visits and programme monitoring and review
  • take Quarterly Attestations during this time.

NZQA will:

  • take the PTE Annual Fee, however PTEs can ask for a flexible payment plan, if needed
  • publish a current list of inactive PTEs on this website.

How PTEs stop being inactive

A PTE ending its period of inactivity must:

  • tell NZQA at least 2 months before it plans to reopen
  • submit a PTE Annual Return Statutory Declaration that confirms they wish to comply with all Rules on reopening
  • advise NZQA of their recovery plan and what they intend to deliver. This includes programmes and training schemes, staff and site information and any changes
  • advise Immigration New Zealand of their intent to reopen (if the PTE hosts international students).

A PTE will keep its prior EER Category rating once the period of inactivity ends.

NZQA will:

  • resume taking fees
  • resume quality assurance and validation visits.

PTE request to reopen delivery form [DOCX, 140 KB]

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