2021 Candidate Admission Slips and Examination Information - A2021/24


  • Principal
  • Principal's Nominee
  • All teachers

2021 Candidate Admission Slips and Examination Information

Candidates entered for an externally-assessed examination by 10 September 2021 will receive:

  • their 2021 Admission Slip
  • a Candidate Information Sheet (External Assessment – Rules and Instructions for Candidates).

These materials will be delivered to schools from 3 November 2021 in cartons labelled ‘NZQA Admission Slips’.

  • Admission Slips are sorted by candidate surname and also by any sort keys you may have provided with your school data, e.g., by form group. In some cases, the Admission Slip may be two pages.
  • Admission Slips are printed with a colour divider denoting the start of a new sort key.
  • The sort key is printed on the divider in large font.
  • Admission Slips are not enclosed in envelopes.

School Actions

  1. Hand out the Admission Slips as soon as possible and have candidates check and confirm that their entries are correct.

  2. If entries are missing, the late entry process detailed in the Principal’s Nominee Late Entries EmaiLink should be followed.

  3. Advise the candidates to:

    • create an account (if new to NCEA) or check their NZQA Student Login on our website.

    • check their address. If a change of address is required, please make the necessary changes by submitting a data file to NZQA immediately. This will ensure any Scholarship booklets (where applicable) are returned to the candidate’s correct address in February 2022.
  1. Remind candidates to keep their Admission Slip in a safe place and to bring it to every examination. They must not write on it or share it with anyone.

Late Entries

Late entries made after 10 September will not show on a candidate’s original Admission Slip. You will need to print and sign an updated copy.

Lost Admission Slips

If candidates lose their Admission Slips, you can print a copy from the school’s NZQA Provider login page:

www.nzqa.govt.nz/login (external link)

This must be signed by the Principal’s Nominee.

Please note candidates can reprint their Admission Slip through their NZQA Student Login:

www.nzqa.govt.nz/login (external link)

The Principal’s Nominee must also sign this copy.

Return of marked NCEA exam booklets

If candidates sat an NCEA exam, their marked exam can be accessed through their NZQA Learner Login in late January. It is important your candidates have created an NZQA Learner Login account if they do not have one. NCEA paper-based answers will not be returned in the mail.

Return of marked NZ Scholarship exam booklets

If candidates sat a NZ Scholarship exam, their answer booklets will be returned in February to the New Zealand address provided to NZQA. For any address changes, please email:


Or phone 0800 697 296 before 10 January 2022.

Any address changes after this date will be too late for your candidate booklets to be sent to the new address.


Please refer any enquiries relating to this circular to:

School Relationship Manager
School Quality Assurance and Liaison
Telephone: 04 463 3000
Email: firstname.lastname@nzqa.govt.nz

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