Verify NZQA documents

Use our online verification tools to check that an electronic document issued by NZQA is current and official.

NZQA documents you can verify

NZQA issues a verifiable PDF of the:

  • New Zealand Record of Achievement (NZROA)
  • International Qualification Assessment (IQA)
  • Overseas Study Assessment (OSA).


Our online tools can instantly verify the authenticity of these documents, as long as they:

  • are in the original PDF format
  • have not been modified in any way
  • have been downloaded directly from our online web portal, and
  • the file name has not been changed.

For information about checking other New Zealand qualification documents, see:

Check a NZ qualification

Verify a New Zealand Record of Achievement

You can upload the original PDF of someone’s New Zealand Record of Achievement (NZRoA) to immediately verify it here:

NZRoA document verification

Verify an International Qualification Assessment (IQA) or Overseas Study Assessment (OSA)

You can upload an original PDF of someone's recognition statement and verify that it's NZQA-issued and authentic:

Recognition statement verification

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