AMAP for NZQA Teaching [Ref: 0182] version 4


Revision of NZQA National Qualifications Services AMAP(s)


The NZQA National Qualifications Services has revised the Accreditation and Moderation Action Plan (AMAP) above.


Date new version published                                                             December 2010


The next AMAP review is planned to take place during 2011.


Reason for the revision


To update the AMAP to reflect current New Zealand Teachers Council requirements and to match the NZQA AMAP template.  The AMAP was revised in consultation with the New Zealand Teachers Council.


Compliance with new requirements


Accreditation requirements will apply with effect from January 2011.


Accredited organisations will be expected to be able to demonstrate compliance with AMAP requirements from January 2013 onwards.


Main changes resulting from the revision




Standard Setting Body involvement in accreditation process

·         Revision to refer to involvement from an initial teacher educator.


Visit waiver conditions

·         Visit waiver conditions have been included.


Areas of shared responsibility

·         Revision of areas of shared responsibility to take into account changes to New Zealand Teachers Council requirements.


Industry or sector-specific requirements for accreditation

·           Criterion 1

Inclusion of requirements for programmes of teacher education, including the requirement to seek approval for individual programmes in addition to gaining consent to assess.

·           Criterion 3

Inclusion of requirements for the level of teaching and assessing staff experience.

·           Criterion 4

Inclusion of minimum requirements for student entry to ITE programmes.

·           Criterion 6

The teaching and/or practicum experience have been revised to take into account changes to New Zealand Teachers Council requirements.

·           Criterion 7

Inclusion of requirements for RPL and cross-credit/credit transfer to take into account changes to New Zealand Teachers Council requirements.

·           Criterion 8

Inclusion of requirements for credit reporting.




The generic MI for NZQA has been inserted as part of this revision.