FIELD                 SERVICE SECTOR


Revision of Hospitality qualifications


National Diploma in Hospitality (Management) (Level 5) [Ref: 0769]

National Diploma in Hospitality (Operational Management) (Level 5) with strands in Kitchen Management, Food and Beverage Management, Rooms Division Management, and Functions Management [Ref: 1245]


The Hospitality Standards Institute has revised the qualifications listed above.


Date new versions published                                                          January 2010


The next qualification review is planned to take place during 2011.


Reason for the revision


The qualification was revised as a result of the review of the standards in the Business field.


Main changes resulting from the revision


·      Classification, titles, levels and credits of reviewed standards were updated.

·      The listed Hospitality subfield classifications were updated.


National Diploma in Hospitality (Management) (Level 5) [Ref: 0769]


Changes to structure and content

·      The Compulsory credit requirement decreased from 77 to 71.

·      Standard 23394 replaced standard 7450.

·      In Elective 3, the Hospitality-Generic and Hospitality-Specific Skills domains replaced the Hospitality Operations domain.

·      The review date was extended to 2011.




Candidates enrolled on programmes leading to version 4 may either complete the requirements of that version or transfer their results to version 5.


This qualification contains a standard that replaces an earlier standard.  For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the expiring standard are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the replacement standard - see table below.


Credit for

Exempt from




This qualification contains a classification that replaces an earlier classification.  For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for standards in the expiring classification may continue to use those credits to meet the qualification requirements of Elective 3 - see table below.


Standards from

Are treated as Standards from

Service Sector > Hospitality > Hospitality Operations

Service Sector > Hospitality > Hospitality -Generic


National Diploma in Hospitality (Operational Management) (Level 5) with strands in Kitchen Management, Food and Beverage Management, Rooms Division Management, and Functions Management [Ref: 1245]


Changes to structure and content

·      Standard 23394 replaced standard 7450.

·      Standard 8494 was removed from the Core Compulsory and not replaced, but may count towards Core Elective requirements.

·      Business field classifications, titles and credits of reviewed standards were updated.

·      Hospitality subfield classifications were updated.

·      The next review date was extended to 2011.




People currently working towards version 2 or 3 may either complete the requirements of that version or transfer their results to version 4.


This qualification contains standards that replace earlier standards.  For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the expiring standards are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the replacement standards - see table below.


Credit for

Exempt from






It is not intended that anyone be disadvantaged by this revision; however, anyone who feels that they have been disadvantaged may appeal to:


Hospitality Standards Institute

PO Box 9695

Marion Square

Wellington 6141


Telephone       04 385 9563
