AMAP for Equine and Greyhound Racing Industry [Ref: 0018]
Review of NZ Equine Industry Training Organisation AMAP
The NZ Equine Industry Training Organisation has completed the review of the Accreditation and Moderation Action Plan (AMAP) above.
Date new version published October 2010
The next AMAP review is planned to take place during 2014.
Summary of review and consultation process
The review was carried out to check that accreditation and moderation requirements continued to meet industry sector requirements, and to update any details to meet current sector requirements.
The review commenced in July 2008 when consultation was carried out through individual meetings with sector representatives. Changes were incorporated into a draft AMAP.
The draft AMAP was presented and discussed at the National Equine Tutors meeting in November 2008. The final draft, incorporating all changes to date, was circulated to industry sectors in early 2009, and approved by the New Zealand Equine ITO Board in September 2009.
Compliance with new requirements
Accreditation requirements will apply with effect from October 2010.
Moderation system requirements will apply with effect from October 2010.
Accredited organisations will be expected to be able to demonstrate compliance with AMAP requirements from March 2011 onwards.
Main changes resulting from the review
Industry or sector-specific requirements for accreditation
· Criterion 6 - Code of Recommendations and Minimum Standards for the Welfare of Dogs, Code of Animal Welfare No. 20 was added to cover greyhound unit standards and the Broadcasting Act 1989 was added to cover racing broadcasting unit standards. The responsibility for reporting credits to NZQA has been specified.
· Criterion 7 - addition of rules of racing for greyhounds; registration requirements for assessors (moved from Moderation section); and reference to Best practice principles for the assessment of unit standards.
· Other - clarification of compliance requirements in relation to the Racing Act 2003 was added.
Moderation System
· Details regarding assessment and reporting were moved to industry or sector-specific requirements for accreditation Criteria 6 and 7.
· Information about management of the moderation system was added.
· The process for pre-assessment moderation of self-developed assessment material was added.
· The process for moderation of practical unit standards was added.
· Charges for pre-assessment moderation and moderation visits were added.
· The process for appealing a moderation decision was added.