Field Manufacturing
Revision of Furniture unit standards
Subfield |
Domain |
ID |
Furniture |
Furniture Making |
2201, 2226, 2231, 2241, 9784, 9786, 9790, 9792, 9797, 14997, 14998, 18896, 18897, 18907, 18914, 25537-25539, 25544, 25545, 25547, 25552, 25553, 25555-25557, 25559, 25562, 25563 |
Forest Industries Training and Education Council (FITEC) has revised the unit standards listed above.
Date new versions published September 2010
Planned review date December 2014
Feedback from key training providers led to the revision of these unit standards to update explanatory note 1. The unit standards have been updated to allow off-job assessment so that providers with the machinery, equipment and capability to deliver and assess against them can do so. Where the unit standard includes production criteria, the unit standards have been amended to allow off-job assessment only where providers can meet current commercial industry practice. The updated unit standards were approved by the Furniture Sector Operating Committee.
Main changes
· Explanatory note 1 in unit standards 2241, 9784, 9790, 18907, 18914, 18896, 18897, 25537-25539, 25547, 25552, 25553, 25556, 25562, and 25563 was updated and now allows off-job assessment on the proviso that the assessment conforms to current commercial industry practice.
· Explanatory note 1 in unit standards 2201, 2226, 2231, 9786, 9792, 9797, 14997, 14998, 25544, 25545, 25555, 25557, and 25559 was updated and now allows off-job assessment.