CMR for Seafood and Seafood Māori [Ref: 0123]
Review of Seafood Industry Training Organisation CMR
The Seafood Industry Training Organisation (Seafood ITO) has completed the review of the Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) above.
Date new version published April 2011
The next CMR review is planned to take place during 2014.
Summary of review and consultation process
The CMR was reviewed in keeping with the review cycle of the Seafood ITO. Changes were made to ensure that the requirements for consent to assess against standards and moderation were current, accurate and clear.
Input into the review of the CMR was sought from the Seafood ITO sector managers, sector advisory groups, industry experts, workplace assessors and education providers. Feedback received supported the proposed changes to the CMR.
Compliance with new requirements
Requirements for consent to assess will apply with effect from May 2011.
Moderation system requirements will apply with effect from May 2011.
Organisations with consent to assess will be expected to be able to demonstrate compliance with CMR requirements from October 2011 onwards.
Main changes resulting from the review
Requirements for Consent to Assess (RCA)
Amendments made to reflect the change in governance from the Seafood Industry Council Board to the Seafood ITO Governance Committee, and to indicate that the Quality Assurance team of the Seafood ITO is responsible for the evaluation of applications for consent to assess against standards.
Industry or sector-specific requirements for consent to assess
Amendments made to better outline the beginning of the process for applying for consent to assess.
· Criterion 1
Requirements have been added to ensure that, if consent is sought for Aquaculture Diving, the requirements of the New Zealand Aquaculture Industry Diving Best Practice Guidelines 2004 are accounted for in the applicant organisation's policies and procedures.
‘Endorsement by the SITO sector manager Māori or relevant advisory group' has been removed from the requirements for Kaupapa Mātaitai and Kaupapa Tangaroa domains, as the focus of consultation and involvement is hapū or iwi.
· Criterion 3
Requirements amended to better clarify minimum assessor requirements as detailed in the Seafood ITO assessor policy.
Requirements regarding consultation and endorsement for selected Seafood Vessel Operations and Seafood Risk Management unit standards have been added due to the limited number of qualified assessors with relevant knowledge and skills. Applicant organisations will need access to members of either the Factory Trawler Group or Technical Compliance Panel in order for assessment to be undertaken, or for training and professional development of potential assessors. Contact details of both groups are available from the Seafood ITO.
· Criterion 5
Requirements for English language skills and literacy in the workplace have been removed as this was considered a company requirement rather than a requirement for consent to assess.
· Criterion 6
Aquaculture requirements have been extended to the Aquaculture Diving domain.
‘Endorsement by the SITO sector manager Māori or relevant advisory group' has been removed from the requirements for Kaupapa Mātaitai and Kaupapa Tangaroa domains, as the focus of consultation and involvement is hapū or iwi.
· Criterion 7
Amendments made to clarify the nature of assessment when using Seafood ITO assessment guides.
Requirements have been added to ensure that where consent is sought for Aquaculture Diving, then the requirements of the New Zealand Aquaculture Industry Diving Best Practice Guidelines 2004 must be met.
Requirements have been added to ensure that where consent is sought for Kaupapa Mātaitai and Kaupapa Tangaroa domains consultation with hapū or iwi is undertaken to ensure appropriate tikanga and kawa are observed during assessment.
Amendments made to wording for clarity, currency and readability. References to the ‘National Moderator' have been replaced with the ‘Quality Assurance team'.
Moderation System
· Section added to clarify requirements, process and costs for pre-assessment moderation of self-developed assessment materials.
· Section reworded to clarify post-assessment moderation requirements, responsibilities, process, and costs (where applicable).
· Section reworded to clarify responsibility for reporting, and to outline requirements for organisations with consent to assess where assessment decisions are not validated.
· Section reworded to clarify the source of funding for moderation activities.
· Table summarising different costs has been added for clarification.
· Clarification provided on response times to appeals.
· The deadline for lodging appeals has been extended from three weeks to six weeks from the date when the organisation with consent to assess received their moderation report.