CMR for Te Kaiāwhina Ahumahi Social Services Industry Training Organisation - Te Kaiāwhina Ahumahi Inc [Ref: 0222]
Review of Social Services Industry Training Organisation - Te Kaiāwhina Ahumahi Inc CMR
The Social Services Industry Training Organisation - Te Kaiāwhina Ahumahi Inc has completed the review of the Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) above.
Date new version published April 2011
The next CMR review is planned to take place during 2013.
Summary of review and consultation process
The CMR has been reviewed to include requirements for consent to assess against new degree-level standards developed by the ITO during 2009 in response to demand from the social services industry. The reviewed CMR also sets out details of a new moderation system. This moderation approach was developed following consultation with existing organisations with consent to assess during 2009.
Compliance with new requirements
Requirements for consent to assess will apply from April 2011.
Moderation system requirements will apply with effect from April 2011.
Organisations with consent to assess will be expected to be able to demonstrate compliance with the CMR from 31 December 2012.
Main changes
Requirements for Consent to Assess (RCA)
Visit waiver conditions
· Included to provide visit waiver conditions based on proven track records and limited extensions to existing consent to assess.
Areas of shared responsibility
· Removed as no longer applicable.
Industry-specific requirements for consent to assess for those wishing to assess against standards within a degree programme have been included and a number of changes have been made to the industry-specific requirements as below.
Industry or sector-specific requirements for consent assess
· Removal of reference to an ITO developmental service
· Criterion 1 amended to reduce wordiness, focus on NZ context, and to relax requirements around programme and curriculum design
· Criterion 2 amended to include specifics around standards included as part of a degree programme and remove particular mention of library services
· Criterion 3 reworded for clarity and to include particular requirements for standards included as part of a degree programmes; and to remove specific requirements for Whanau/Family and Foster Care
· Criterion 4 amended to remove requirements around recognition of prior learning, and to insert requirements regarding entry criteria, pathways for professional recognition and degree programmes
· Criterion 5 reworded for clarity, and specific references to language of target groups and spiritual safety removed
· Criterion 6 amended to increase focus on practice supervision
· Criterion 7 amended to include requirements around assessment of culturally-specific unit standards and outcomes, additional requirement added for qualified staff to act as external peer moderators in Social Services Industry Training Organisation's external moderation system.
Moderation Requirements (MR)
Moderation System
This section has been amended to set out the details of a new external moderation system based on a process of external peer moderation:
· Each organisation with consent to assess will identify staff able to serve as peer moderators
· Cluster group meetings will be held periodically that will be attended by peer moderators with consent to assess and run by the ITO
· Individual moderation plans will be negotiated between the organisation with consent to assess and the ITO, which will specify frequency of moderation events, visits, timelines, and selection of unit standards
· Selection of unit standards criteria now includes unit standards where previous moderation has uncovered unacceptable variance from the national standard, and enables organisations with consent to assess to include standards they have self-selected for their own continuous improvement purposes
· Pre-assessment moderation introduced
· The ITO will, in addition to the cluster group meetings, run biennial national assessment and moderation events
· Information around schedule of moderation reporting to the ITO Board removed.
Funding from charges has been updated.
Non-compliance with moderation requirements
Charges related to non-compliance with moderation requirements have been updated.
The process for appealing a moderation decision has been clarified.