Field Health
Update for qualifications specifying replaced First Aid standards or the Core Health domain
Subfield |
Domain |
ID |
Health Studies |
Core Health |
6400-6402 |
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) has introduced reverse transition for the qualifications that include the standards or domain listed above.
Date this report published April 2011
The qualifications documents were not republished. Exemptions have been applied in the NZQA qualifications database, but for logistical reasons will not appear on the qualification documents published on the NZQA website.
Summary of review and consultation process
Between October and December 2010, National Qualifications Services (NQS) conducted consultation with Standard Setting Bodies (SSBs) affected by the review of NQS Core Health First Aid unit standards. It was proposed that all qualifications specifying expiring standards 6400‑6402 should have reverse transition included for the replacement standards 26551 and 26552, and that qualifications specifying the lapsing domain Core Health should have reverse transition included for the new First Aid domain.
Those SSBs that agreed to the proposal have had applicable reverse transition included in the affected qualifications.
The review of the First Aid unit standards was completed in December 2010. For a copy of the unit standard review report please see First Aid Review.
Main changes resulting from the review
Standard Setting Bodies
The SSB's listed below agreed to proposed exemption plan. Those SSB's that did not agree must revise or review their affected qualifications before 31 December 2013 (the expiry date of the replaced standards).
Apparel and Textile Industry Training Organisation |
Aviation, Tourism and Travel Training Organisation |
Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation |
Building Service Contractors Industry Training Organisation |
Competenz |
Creative Trades Industry Training Organisation |
Electricity Supply Industry Training Organisation |
ElectroTechnology Industry Training Organisation |
Fire and Rescue Services Industry Training Organisation |
Forest Industries Training and Education Council |
Hospitality Standards Institute |
InfraTrain New Zealand |
Joinery Industry Training Organisation |
Learning State |
Local Government Industry Training Organisation |
Marine Industry Training Organisation |
New Zealand Industry Training Organisation |
NZ Equine Industry Training Organisation |
NZ Extractive Industries Training Organisation |
NZ Hairdressing Industry Training Organisation Inc |
NZ Motor Industry Training Organisation |
NZQA Maori Qualifications Services |
Opportunity - The Training Organisation |
Plastics and Materials Processing Industry Training Organisation |
Plumbing, Gasfitting and Drainlaying Industry Training Organisation |
Retail Industry Training Organisation |
Skills Active Aotearoa |
Social Services Industry Training Organisation - Te Kaiawhina Ahumahi |
Tranzqual ITO |