Revision of Carpet Manufacturing qualification
National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Carpet Tufter Tuning) (Level 5) with an optional strand in Tuning of Multi-height and Enhanced Graphics Tufters [Ref: 0280]
The Apparel and Textile Industry Training Organisation has revised the qualification above.
Date new version published April 2011
The next qualification review is planned to take place during 2013.
Reason for the revision
This qualification has been revised following the review and reclassification of the First Line Management standards, the review of Engineering Core Skills standards, and to take account of the designation of standard 7194 as expiring and its replacement with new standards.
Main changes resulting from the revision
The elective section has been removed, along with the Engineering Core Skills standards, and an expiring standard has been removed and replaced with five new standards. The credit value for the qualification has been reduced. Minor changes have been made to the purpose statement to reflect the new structure.
National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Carpet Tufter Tuning) (Level 5) with an optional strand in Tuning of Multi-height and Enhanced Graphics Tufters [Ref: 0280]
Changes to structure and content
· The elective section and the Engineering Core Skills standards have been removed from the qualification.
· Standard 7194 has been removed, as it was designated expiring, and replaced with standards 26026, 26027, 26028, 26029, and 26030.
· The credit value for the qualification has been reduced from 110-140 to 80.
· The prerequisite for entry requirement for the National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Carpet Tufting) (Level 3) [Ref: 0281] has been removed from the special notes.
All current candidates will be transferred to the new version of the qualification. The last date for award of the previous version of the qualification is December 2013.
This qualification contains standards that replace an earlier standard. For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the expiring standard are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the replacement standards - see table below.
Credit for |
Exempt from |
7194 |
26026, 26027, 26028, 26029, 26030 |
The Apparel and Textile Industry Training Organisation (ATITO) does not intend that any existing candidate be disadvantaged by this revision. However, any candidate who feels they have been disadvantaged should contact ATITO at the address below.
Apparel and Textile Industry Training Organisation
PO Box 13210
Christchurch 8141
Telephone 03 377 8443