Field           Business


Revision of Business Information Processing unit standards





Business Administration

Business Information Processing

111, 113


NZQA National Qualifications Services (NQS) has completed the revision of the unit standards listed above.


Date new versions published                                                               August 2011


Planned review date                                                                              December 2015




Unit standards 111 and 113 were reviewed as part of the wider review of all standards in domain Business Information Processing in 2010.  Following the completion of the review feedback was received and as a result these two standards were revised to more clearly communicate the review's original intention.


Providers and other stakeholders were consulted and have endorsed the amendments.


Main changes


In unit standard 111:

·      'keyboard and mouse options shortcuts' has been changed to 'keyboard shortcuts and use of mouse'

·      The original evidence requirement (ER) 2.1 was split into two, to separate observable behaviours (new ER 2.1) and features of documents (new ER 2.2)

·      'program features and requirements' from the old ER 2.1 was deleted

·      the requirement for four documents in the range to old ER 2.1 has been replaced by a requirement in new ER 2.2 that they be 'of sufficient length and complexity to provide scope for the assessment evidence'.  Other clarifying editorial changes have also been made

·      'backup systems' was changed to 'backup files' in old ER 2.3 (new ER 2.4).


In unit standard 113:

·      the range was deleted from each of ERs 1.2 and 2.2

·      an ER (new 1.5) omitted in error at review was re-inserted.


Detailed list of unit standards - classification, title, level, and credits


Business > Business Administration > Business Information Processing






Use a word processor to produce documents for a business or organisation




Produce business or organisational information using advanced word processing functions