AMAP for Forestry, Biosecurity, and Wood Related Manufacturing and Processing [Ref: 0173]
Revision of Forest Industries Training and Education Council (FITEC) AMAP
FITEC has revised the Accreditation and Moderation Action Plan (AMAP) above.
Date new version published January 2011
The next AMAP review is planned to take place during 2015.
Reason for the revision
This revision was brought about by continual reporting of old results by accredited providers, and a need to recoup some of the costs incurred in developing compliant and up to date training and assessment materials. During consultation with FITEC's sector committees, it was also noted that FITEC had employed additional moderation staff and now has the capacity to moderate all accredited organisations annually. As a result of this consultation changes were made to the AMAP.
Compliance with new requirements
Accreditation requirements will apply with effect from February 2011.
Moderation system requirements will apply with effect from February 2011.
Accredited organisations will be expected to demonstrate compliance with AMAP requirements from August 2011 onwards.
Main changes resulting from the revision
Industry or sector-specific requirements for accreditation
· Criterion 1 was amended to include consideration of learner literacy needs in evaluation of teaching programmes; allow for charges where accredited organisations use FITEC teaching resources; and to convey that study guides from FITEC now come with a nominal fee.
· Criterion 3 was reworded for clarity and to include a recommendation for assessing staff to have literacy and numeracy qualifications.
· Criterion 6 was reworded to clarify responsibilities under employment placement agreements.
· Criterion 7 was reworded to add a requirement for assessment materials to be pre-moderated and approved prior to use, and to convey that pre-approved assessment materials from FITEC now come with a nominal fee.
· Criterion 8 was added to ensure timely reporting of results to NZQA.
Moderation System
· Pre-assessment moderation requirements were clarified for accreditation organisations developing their own assessment resources.
· Post-assessment moderation requirements were amended and will now be carried out annually for all accredited organisations assessing against FITEC unit standards:
○ For accredited organisations assessing against unit standards at level 2 or below, or assessing against theory unit standards only, post assessment will only include document moderation.
○ For accredited organisations assessing against unit standards at level 3 or above that contain practical content, post assessment will include a site visit.
○ Sample selection will be based on what is being assessed to ensure all levels are moderated against.