Revision of Forestry qualification
National Certificate in Forestry (Generic Skills - Workplace Safety and Operations) (Level 2) [Ref: 1409]
The Forest Industries Training and Education Council (FITEC) has revised the qualification listed above.
Date new version published January 2011
The next qualification review is planned to take place during 2013.
Reason for the revision
Feedback from assessors indicated that many candidates enrolling in programmes leading to the award of the qualification already held credit for expiring versions of the all terrain vehicle and all terrain utilities standards, and the requirement to gain credit for the replacement standards was becoming a barrier for candidates. As a consequence, a revision of the qualification was required to add exemptions from the replacement standards included in the qualification.
Other changes to the qualification were also required to replace expiring first aid standards, and to update the title, level, and credit value of a standard that had changed following its review.
Main changes resulting from the revision
The exemption table was amended, expiring first aid standards 6400-6402 were replaced, and the title, level, and credit value of standard 6917 were updated.
Changes to structure and content
· Title, level, and credit value of standard 6917 were updated to reflect changes made to the standard following its review.
· Expiring standards 6400-6402 were replaced by standards 26551 and 26552.
· The exemption table was amended to include new exemptions.
This qualification contains standards that replace earlier standards. For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the expiring standards are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the replacement standards - see table below.
Credit for |
Exempt from |
1241 |
23000 |
6400, 6401, 6402 |
26551, 26552 |
6949 |
22998 |
13108, 13109 |
22994 |
17757, 17760, 17761 |
22997 |
19057 |
24556, 24557 |
19058 |
24558, 24559 |
19059 |
24560, 24561 |
19060 |
24562, 24563 |
People currently working towards version 2 of this qualification may either complete the requirements for that version or transfer their results to this version of the qualification. The last date for entry to training programmes or courses for version 2 is March 2011. The last date for assessments to take place for the replaced version is December 2013.
It is not intended that any existing candidate be disadvantaged by these arrangements. However, any candidate who considers they have been disadvantaged may appeal to FITEC - see contact details below.
Standard Setting Body
Forest Industries Training and Education Council (FITEC)
PO Box 137067
Auckland 1151
Telephone 09 356 7250