Revision of Printing qualification
National Certificate in Print Industry Management (Level 4) [Ref: 0912]
National Certificate in Print Industry Management (Level 5) [Ref: 1376]
National Diploma in Print Industry Management (Level 5) [Ref: 1377]
The Communications and Media Industry Training Organisation (CMITO) has revised the qualifications listed above.
Date new versions published January 2011
The next qualification review is planned to take place during 2013.
Reason for the revision
These qualifications were revised to increase flexibility and to clarify the requirements of the qualifications following discussions with industry stakeholders.
Main changes resulting from the revision
Classifications were added to the elective sections to improve achievability.
National Certificate in Print Industry Management (Level 4) [Ref: 0912]
Version 3 was issued following revision.
Changes to structure and content
· Subfield Fibreboard Packaging was included in Elective 2.
All new trainees will be enrolled in training programmes leading to version 3 of the qualification. There are no transition consequences for existing candidates. However, people currently enrolled in training programmes leading to versions 1 or 2 may either complete that version or transfer to version 3.
The last date for assessment for version 1 of this qualification is 31 December 2012. The last date for assessment for version 2 of this qualification is 31 December 2013.
National Certificate in Print Industry Management (Level 5) [Ref: 1376]
Version 2 was issued following revision.
Changes to structure and content
· Standard 2281 was removed from the compulsory section.
· Credit requirements for Elective 1 were increased by 5 credits.
· Set 1 was removed from Elective 2.
· Elective 2 was widened to include credits from anywhere in the Business field.
· Communications Skills and Fibreboard Packaging subfields were added to Elective 2.
· Total credit requirements reduced from 62 to 60.
All new trainees will be enrolled in training programmes leading to version 2 of the qualification. People currently enrolled in training programmes leading to version 1 may either complete that version, or transfer to version 2.
The last date for assessment for version 1 of this qualification is 31 December 2013.
National Diploma in Print Industry Management (Level 5) [Ref: 1377]
Version 2 was issued following a revision.
Changes to structure and content
· The expiring Printing Administration domain has been removed from Set 1, Elective 1 and an exemption added.
· The Delivery of Adult Education and Training, Assessment of Learning, Retail and Distribution Core Skills, Sales Transactions and Service Sector - Core Skills domains were added to Elective 2.
· The Communication Skills subfield was added to Elective 2.
This qualification contains a classification that replaces an earlier classification. For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for standards in the expired classification may continue to use those credits to meet the qualification requirements – see table below.
Standards from |
Are treated as Standards from |
Manufacturing > Printing > Printing Administration |
Manufacturing > Printing > Print Industry Management |
All new trainees will be enrolled in training programmes leading to version 2 of the qualification. People currently enrolled in training programmes leading to version 1 may either complete that version, or transfer to version 2.
It is anticipated that no existing candidates are disadvantaged by these transition arrangements. Any person who feels disadvantaged by these provisions is invited to contact the CMITO at the address below.
The last date for assessment for version 1 of this qualification is 31 December 2013.
Standard Setting Body
Communications and Media Industry Training Organisation
PO Box 31131
Lower Hutt 5040
Telephone 04 569 2804