Revision of Printing qualification
National Certificate in Printing (Direct Mail Production) (Level 4) [Ref: 1129]
The Communication and Media Industry Training Organisation (CMITO) has revised the qualification listed above.
Date new versions published January 2011
The next qualification review is planned to take place during 2013.
Reason for the revision
Version 1 was revised to update the subfields and domains in Elective 2 and to provide greater flexibility in Elective 2 following suggestions from industry.
Main changes resulting from the revision
Changes to structure and content
· Expiring domain First Line Management in Elective 2 was replaced with field Business.
· Expiring domain Total Productive Manufacturing in Elective 2 was replaced with domain Competitive Manufacturing.
· Domains Delivery of Adult Education and Training, Assessment of Learning, and Occupational Health and Safety Practice were added to Elective 2.
· The purpose statement was amended to reflect the changes made to Elective 2.
There are no transition implications as there are no people currently enrolled in training programmes leading to the award of version 1 of this qualification.
All new candidates will be enrolled in programmes leading to version 2 of the qualification.
The last date for assessments to take place for version 1 of this qualification is 31 December 2012.
Further information about this revision is available from:
Communications and Media Industry Training Organisation
PO Box 31131
Lower Hutt 5040
Telephone 04 569 2804