Field Community and Social Services
Review of Sport qualification
National Certificate in Sport (Coaching) (Level 4) [Ref: 0444]
Skills Active Aotearoa Limited has completed the review of the qualification above.
Date report published March 2011
Summary of review and consultation process
In 2010, Skills Active Aotearoa Limited completed a major review of the unit standards and qualifications in the Community Recreation and Sport subfields. This review resulted in the registration of the Recreation and Sport subfield for which unit standards and qualifications will be developed in 2011. As a result of this review, this reviewed qualification was designated as expiring because it no longer met industry requirements.
A new qualification, the National Certificate in Recreation and Sport - Coaching and Instruction with strands in Cycle Skills Instructor, and Developing Coaching [Ref: 1626], has been developed to better fit the needs of industry. The new qualification has a different purpose and is aimed at a different target group. There is no replacement relationship between the expiring and the new qualification.
Main changes resulting from the review
· The following qualification was designated expiring and will expire at the end of December 2012.
· Transition arrangements were added to allow the qualification to continue to be achievable until its expiry date.
National Certificate in Sport (Coaching) (Level 4) [Ref: 0444]
Review category |
D |
See Key to Qualification Review Categories at the end of report |
Candidates enrolled in courses or training programmes leading to the award of the National Certificate in Sport (Coaching) (Level 4) [Ref: 0444] have until December 2012 to complete the qualification.
Please note that unit standard 5361, which is a prerequisite for the award of unit standards 5363 and 16789 in the Compulsory section of the qualification, expired in 2006. Therefore, candidates will need to demonstrate equivalent knowledge and skills to that in unit standard 5361 in order to be awarded unit standards 5363 and 16789 and meet the requirements of the qualification.
This qualification contains expiring standards that have been replaced by other standards. For the purposes of this qualification people who have gained credit for the replacement standards are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the expiring standards.
Credit for |
Exempt from |
25808 |
5365 |
25984 |
4866 |
26223 |
4879 |
26551, 26552 |
6401, 6402 |
Any candidate who thinks they have been disadvantaged by these arrangements should, in the first instance, contact Skills Active Aotearoa Limited (contact details below).
Skills Active Aotearoa Limited
PO Box 2183
Wellington 6140
Telephone 04 385 9047
Key to Qualification Review Categories
Category A The qualification is published as a new version with the same NQF ID |
Changes are made to SSB name, contact details or purpose statement |
No change is made to title, rules or components of the qualification | |
No transition arrangements are required | |
Category B The qualification is published as a new version with the same NQF ID |
Changes are made to title, rules or components |
The new version of the qualification recognises a similar skill set to that recognised by the previous version | |
The SSB is confident that people awarded the new or previous version are comparable in terms of competence | |
Transition arrangements are required if candidates must gain additional/different credits for the new version | |
Category C A new (replacement) qualification is published with new NQF ID |
Significant changes are made to the qualification in terms of components, structure, type or level |
The SSB views people with the replacement qualification as being significantly different in terms of competence from those with the replaced qualification | |
Transition arrangements are required | |
Transition may be limited to phase-out dates | |
Category D Qualification will expire. There is no replacement qualification |
Qualification is no longer required by industry |
The qualification is designated as expiring and a last date for meeting the qualification requirements is set |