Review of Maritime qualification
National Certificate in Maritime (Commercial Vessel Hospitality Crew Member) (Level 2) [Ref: 0524]
Competenz has completed the review of the qualification above.
Date new versions published March 2011
The next qualification review is planned to take place during 2016.
Summary of review and consultation process
In September 2010 a meeting was held with the stakeholder representatives to discuss the need to recognise the knowledge and skills of experienced staff working with passengers on commercial vessels. This group was not catered for by the structure of the current qualification. However, an analysis of the role determined that the skills required were at a higher level and would benefit from the development of a new qualification. A new qualification was developed covering knowledge and skills related to stock control, retail display, food and beverage service, cash handling, customer service, health and safety and maritime skills. To ensure a pathway from the Level 2 qualification the new qualification shares unit standards in common. The National Certificate in Maritime (Commercial Vessel Hospitality Crew Member) (Level 2) [Ref: 0524] was reviewed to ensure it was still fit for purpose. Changes were made to unit standard titles as a result of their review but essentially the qualification required no major changes. The amended qualification and the new qualification were sent to the stakeholders and both the Retail Institute and the Hospitality Standards Institute for endorsement in November 2010.
Main changes resulting from the review
· Unit standard titles were updated to reflect their review.
· Development of a new qualification, the National Certificate in Maritime (On-board Passenger Services) (Level 3) [Ref: 1628].
National Certificate in Maritime (Commercial Vessel Hospitality Crew Member) (Level 2) [Ref: 0524]
Review category |
B |
See Key to Qualification Review Categories at the end of report |
Changes to structure and content
· Domains, titles and credits for standards 62 and 14464 were updated.
· Expiring standards 6400-6402 were replaced by standards 26551 and 26552.
People currently working towards version 2 of this qualification are encouraged to complete the qualification by 2013. Alternatively they may transfer their credits to this version of the qualification.
This qualification contains standards that replace earlier standards. For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the expiring standards are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the replacement standards - see table below.
Credit for |
Exempt from |
6400 |
26551, 26552 |
6401 |
26552 |
6402 |
26551 |
It is not intended that anyone be disadvantaged by this review, and the above arrangements have been designed for a smooth transition. However, anyone who feels they have been disadvantaged may appeal to Competenz at the address below.
PO Box 9005
Auckland 1149
Telephone 0800 526 1800
Key to Qualification Review Categories
Category A The qualification is published as a new version with the same NQF ID |
Changes are made to SSB name, contact details or purpose statement |
No change is made to title, rules or components of the qualification | |
No transition arrangements are required | |
Category B The qualification is published as a new version with the same NQF ID |
Changes are made to title, rules or components |
The new version of the qualification recognises a similar skill set to that recognised by the previous version | |
The SSB is confident that people awarded the new or previous version are comparable in terms of competence | |
Transition arrangements are required if candidates must gain additional/different credits for the new version | |
Category C A new (replacement) qualification is published with new NQF ID |
Significant changes are made to the qualification in terms of components, structure, type or level |
The SSB views people with the replacement qualification as being significantly different in terms of competence from those with the replaced qualification | |
Transition arrangements are required | |
Transition may be limited to phase-out dates | |
Category D Qualification will expire. There is no replacement qualification |
Qualification is no longer required by industry |
The qualification is designated as expiring and a last date for meeting the qualification requirements is set |