Review of Engineering and Technology qualifications
National Certificate in Civil Construction Works (Forestry Earthworks) [Ref: 1083]
National Certificate in Civil Plant Operation (Bulk Earthmoving) [Ref: 1094]
InfraTrain New Zealand has completed the review of the qualifications listed above.
Date new versions published May 2011
The next qualification review is planned to take place during 2015.
Summary of review and consultation process
Industry Advisory Groups for the review of each qualification met for several days during August 2009. In the course of these meetings the qualifications structure was discussed and changed. The changes included removing expiring unit standards that were not applicable to the qualifications, and including unit standards that provided skill sets more applicable to the qualifications. Additionally, the unit standards titles, credits and classification were updated. A full consultation with Fire and Rescue Services Industry Training Organisation (FRSITO), Forest Industries Training and Education Council (FITEC), Tranzqual ITO and industry experts have been completed to prepare the reviewed qualifications.
Main changes resulting from the review
National Certificate in Civil Construction Works (Forestry Earthworks) [Ref: 1083]
National Certificate in Infrastructure Works (Forestry Earthworks) with strands in Bulldozer, Hydraulic Excavator, and Motor Grader [Ref: 1083]
Review category |
B |
See Key to Qualification Review Categories at the end of report |
Changes to structure and content
· The classification in the title of the qualification was changed and the new strands were added to the title;
· Credits were changed from 83 to 80-90;
· The structure was changed from a compulsory and two electives to a compulsory, one elective and three strands using the standards previously contained in Elective 1;
· Standards 13108 and 13109 in the Compulsory section were replaced by standard 22994;
· Standards 6436 and 17772 were removed from the Compulsory section;
· Standard 20616 was moved from Elective 2 to the Compulsory section;
· Standards 3461, 3466, 3469, 6258, 6400-6402, 16701-16703, and 20477 were removed from Elective 2 and standard 3471 was added.
Existing candidates may complete version 1 of this qualification or transfer their results to this version. However candidates wishing to complete version 1 of this qualification should be advised that they must gain credit for expiring standards 13108 and 13109 by 31 December 2011. Standard 3461 from elective 2 of version 1 has expired and candidates who have not already achieved credit for the standard will need to select from the other standards to meet the requirements.
All new candidates will be enrolled on programmes leading to the award of version 2 of the qualification.
The last date for assessments to take place for version 1 of this qualification is 31 December 2012.
This qualification contains standards that replace earlier standards. For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the expiring standards are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the replacement standards - see table below.
Credit for |
Exempt from |
6458 |
17309 |
6459 |
17310 |
6460 |
17312 |
6461 |
17314 |
6462 |
17315 |
6463 |
17316 |
1211, 1213, 1214, 1215 |
17769 |
13108, 13109 |
22994 |
National Certificate in Civil Plant Operation (Bulk Earthmoving) [Ref: 1094]
National Certificate in Infrastructure Works (Bulk Earthmoving) [Ref: 1094]
Review category |
B |
See Key to Qualification Review Categories at the end of report |
Changes to structure and content
· The classification in the title of the qualification was changed;
· Credits were changed from 80 to 75;
· Standards 6436, 17593, and 20477 were removed from the Compulsory section;
· Standard 20870 was added to the Compulsory section;
· Elective Set B was removed and the Elective section simplified to a single Elective section;
· Standards 6400-6402, 16701-16703 and 20627 were removed from the Elective section;
· New standards 26169 and 26170 were developed to meet industry needs and were added to the Elective section.
Existing candidates may complete version 1 of this qualification or transfer their results to version 2.
All new candidates will be enrolled on programmes leading to the award of version 2 of the qualification.
The last date for assessments to take place for version 1of this qualification is 31 December 2012.
This qualification contains standards that replace earlier standards. For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the expiring standards are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the replacement standards - see table below.
Credit for |
Exempt from |
6458 |
17309 |
6459 |
17310 |
6460 |
17311 |
6461 |
17314 |
6462 |
17315 |
6463 |
17316 |
It is not intended that anyone be disadvantaged by the above arrangements, which have been designed for a smooth transition. However, anyone who feels they have been disadvantaged may appeal to InfraTrain New Zealand at the address below:
InfraTrain New Zealand
PO Box 2759
Wellington 6140
Telephone 0800 486 626
Key to Qualification Review Categories
Category A The qualification is published as a new version with the same NQF ID |
Changes are made to SSB name, contact details or purpose statement |
No change is made to title, rules or components of the qualification | |
No transition arrangements are required | |
Category B The qualification is published as a new version with the same NQF ID |
Changes are made to title, rules or components |
The new version of the qualification recognises a similar skill set to that recognised by the previous version | |
The SSB is confident that people awarded the new or previous version are comparable in terms of competence | |
Transition arrangements are required if candidates must gain additional/different credits for the new version | |
Category C A new (replacement) qualification is published with new NQF ID |
Significant changes are made to the qualification in terms of components, structure, type or level |
The SSB views people with the replacement qualification as being significantly different in terms of competence from those with the replaced qualification | |
Transition arrangements are required | |
Transition may be limited to phase-out dates | |
Category D Qualification will expire. There is no replacement qualification |
Qualification is no longer required by industry |
The qualification is designated as expiring and a last date for meeting the qualification requirements is set |