FIELD                 MATHEMATICS


Revision of Mathematics qualifications


National Certificate in Mathematics (Level 1) [Ref: 1079]

National Certificate in Mathematics (Level 2) [Ref: 1080]


NZQA National Qualifications Services has revised the qualifications listed above.


Date new versions published                                                          May 2011


The next qualification review is planned to take place during 2014.


Reason for the revision


·      The revision resulted from the review of Level 1 and 2 Mathematics unit and achievement standards.


Main changes resulting from the revision


·      Purpose statements have been updated.

·      References to Mathematics in the New Zealand Curriculum have been removed.

·      Domain Personal Financial Management added to Elective B.


National Certificate in Mathematics (Level 1) [Ref: 1079]


Changes to structure and content

·      Purpose statement has been updated.

·      Reference to the Mathematics in the New Zealand Curriculum, have been removed.

·      The Personal Financial Management domain has been added to the elective set B.

·      The requirement for specified minimum credits from the domains Number and Measurement has been removed.




All existing candidates may either complete version 1 of this qualification or transfer their existing achievements to version 2.  The start date for programmes or courses for version 2 is at the time of registration.  The last date for assessment to take place for version 1 is 31 December 2011.


National Certificate in Mathematics (Level 2) [Ref: 1080]


Changes to structure and content

·      Purpose statement has been updated.

·      Reference to the Mathematics in the New Zealand Curriculum, have been removed.

·      The Personal Financial Management domain has been added to a new Elective B.




All existing candidates may either complete version 1 of this qualification or transfer their existing achievements to version 2.  The start date for programmes or courses for version 2 is at the time of registration.  The last date for assessment to take place for version 1 is 31 December 2011.


It is not intended that anyone be disadvantaged by this revision.  However, anyone who feels they have been disadvantaged may appeal to NZQA - National Qualifications Services at the address below.


NZQA National Qualifications Services

PO Box 160

Wellington 6140


Telephone       04 463 3000
