Field          Engineering and Technology


Review of Digital Technologies Level 1 achievement standards


Achievement standards



Subject reference

Digital Technologies

91075, 91076

Digital Technologies 1.45 & 1.46


The Ministry of Education has completed an early review of the achievement standards listed above.


New Registration date                           November 2011


Date new versions published             November 2011


Planned review date                              December 2014


Summary of review and consultation process


The Ministry received early feedback from teachers and moderators about difficulties that were encountered during the first year of use of the standards.  The standards were reviewed by members of the Standards Writing Group and endorsed by NZQA officials.


The two standards were substantially re-written to align them with the approach taken in the equivalent Level 2 standards - 91372 (Digital Technologies 2.45) & 91373 (Digital Technologies 2.46).


Main changes resulting from the review


91075 (Digital Technologies 1.45)

·         The title was changed to align the standard to its Level 2 counterpart - 91372 (Digital Technologies 2.45), where the decision was made to move away from the algorithm focus.  This focus was presenting barriers to the use of the standard and was technically incorrect.


91075 (Digital Technologies 1.45) & 91076 (Digital Technologies 1.46)

·         Specific reference to nested iterations at Merit and Excellence was removed to broaden the scope of the standard, allowing for a range of strategies to be used as evidence of skilful and efficient practice.  The new version does not exclude the use of nested iterations should the nature of the task require them.  Rather, the changes ensure that they are no longer a requirement for Merit and Excellence.

·         The new Explanatory Notes provide greater clarity and guidance regarding: the nature of the step-up from Achieved to Merit to Excellence; and the focus and scope of assessment.  The Explanatory Notes were also changed to align with those used in Digital Technologies 2.45 and Digital Technologies 2.46.


Review Categories and changes to classification, title, level, and credits


Changes are in bold.


Key to review category


Dates changed, but no other changes are made - the new version of the standard carries the same ID and a new version number


Changes made, but the overall outcome remains the same - the new version of the standard carries the same ID and a new version number


Major changes that necessitate the registration of a replacement achievement standard with a new ID


Achievement standard will expire and not be replaced


The last date for assessment of the superseded version of internally assessed achievement standards categorised as category B is end of

December 2012


Engineering and Technology > Technology > Digital Technologies






Review Category



Construct an algorithmic structure for a basic task

Construct a plan for a basic computer program for a specified task






Construct a basic computer program for a specified task