CMR for Competenz (Trading name for NZ Engineering, Food and Manufacturing Industry Training Organisation) [Ref: 0013]; CMR for Competenz (Trading name for NZ Engineering, Food and Manufacturing Industry Training Organisation) - Maritime Qualifications Advisory Group [Ref: 0054]; and CMR for Competenz (Food and Beverage) [Ref:0111]
Review of Competenz CMRs [Refs: 0013, 0054, and 0111]
Competenz has completed the review of the Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) above.
Date new versions published April 2012
The next CMR review is planned to take place during 2015.
Summary of review and consultation process
Competenz has reviewed its existing AMAPs and is moving to amalgamate them into one CMR based on CMR 0013. The reason for the review is to update Competenz' moderation and granting consent to assess requirements to reflect changing NZQA and tertiary sector requirements, best practice, and simplify previous documentation. An analysis was undertaken of the Competenz' existing CMRs and it was found that there were strong similarities in the updated standard requirements for consent to assess and the requirements for national external moderation across all three. It was decided to create one CMR with appendices to cover sector-specific requirements that could be used across all sectors. In general it was felt that insufficient information and guidance was provided in previous versions of Competenz CMRs, particularly in CMRs 0013 and 0054. Competenz looked at a range of recently registered CMRs for other ITOs, and incorporated what seemed to be agreed best practice into the review. The reviewed CMR took a more principle-driven approach and greater explanation was given of Competenz' expectations.
CMR 0013 was chosen as the 'master' CMR as it covered the widest range of Competenz domains and standards. The standards on CMRs 0054 and 0111 will be transferred onto CMR 0013 when next reviewed or revised. In the meantime 0054 and 0111 will record exceptions and mirror the content of CMR 0013 until all affected standards are reviewed.
The reviewed CMRs incorporate feedback from industry, providers and assessors. The reviewed CMRs are better aligned with Competenz current practice and planned improvements. The intention of the review was to produce a document that is user friendly and contains all of the information required by organisations using Competenz' standards.
Compliance with new requirements
Requirements for consent to assess will apply with effect from May 2012.
Moderation system requirements will apply with effect from May 2012.
Organisations with consent to assess will be expected to be able to demonstrate compliance with the CMR from November 2012 onwards.
Main changes
A single 'master' CMR for Mechanical Engineering, Food and Related Product Production, Can Making, Manufacturing Processes, Powered Industrial Lift Trucks, Maritime, and Rail Transport [Ref: 0013] was developed. Standards on CMRs 0054 and 0111 will be moved to CMR 0013 when they are next reviewed or revised. CMRs 0054 and 0111 have been updated with details that mirror the appropriate sections of CMR 0013.
It was not anticipated that the changes made would require organisations with existing consent to assess to make significant adjustments to comply with new requirements. Changes were in line with expectations identified widely across Standard Setting Bodies. The Competenz CMR was also aligned to existing NZQA expectations of organisations with consent to assess. Generally, the sector-specific requirements incorporated in the new CMR were articulated in the previous CMRs.
Additional information was included in the appendices designed to make the process of granting consent to assess easier for applicant organisations to understand and prepare for. A new appendix for Fork Lift Trainers that has information about Department of Labour requirements which are highly specific was added. An appendix was also included to cover resources available for schools using Competenz standards.
CMR for Competenz (Trading name for NZ Engineering, Food and Manufacturing Industry Training Organisation) [Ref: 0013]
CMR for Mechanical Engineering, Food and Related Product Production, Can Making, Manufacturing Processes, Maritime, Powered Industrial Lift Trucks, and Rail Transport [Ref: 0013]
Requirements for Consent to Assess (RCA)
· A new section was added setting out the principles behind Competenz' approach to consent to assess. These provide a clear indication of Competenz' expectations and the criteria applied in evaluating whether to support applications for consent to assess.
Standard Setting Body involvement in process for granting consent to assess
· A set of standardised options for SSB involvement have been included in the CMR. The option on some standards may not match the standardised options and will be updated when the standards are next reviewed or revised. The options specified in this CMR and not that on the standards apply for all applications for consent to assess.
Visit waiver conditions
· A recommendation was added strongly advising organisations seeking consent to assess key Level 2 components of Competenz Mechanical Engineering qualifications to have a visit from Competenz to ensure they can fully align with apprenticeship pathway requirements.
Industry or sector-specific requirements for consent to assess
Sector-specific requirements are given in the Appendices for:
1. The maritime industry
2. Fire protection
3. Fork lift trainers
4. Schools
· Criterion 1 - Development and evaluation of teaching programmes was not substantially addressed in previous versions of CMR 0013. Training delivery requirements were clarified.
· Criterion 2 - Financial, administrative and physical resources were not addressed in any detail in previous versions of CMR 0013. Requirements for physical resources including safety for off-site delivery were added.
· Criterion 3 - Staff selection, appraisal and development requirements were not outlined in previous versions of CMR 0013. Minimum expectations and qualification requirements were added.
· Criterion 6 - In response to the changes currently occurring in school to work transitions, more detail was provided around off-site provision requirements. This was intended to limit health and safety risk, minimise student exploitation, and ensure accountability in school and provider sub-contracting arrangements.
· Criterion 7 - More information was provided on assessment. Clarity was given to different requirements for on job and off job standards in response to industry feedback and to reflect Competenz' recent exercise of splitting engineering standards into separate on job and off job standards. This separation was carried out after consultation with organisations with consent to assess and industry to make accountability for apprenticeship assessment more clearly defined.
· Criterion 8 - Reporting expectations were brought into line with current practice.
Moderation Requirements (MR)
Moderation System
· Current Competenz moderation expectations and processes were outlined in more detail and aligned with Competenz' current practice and best practice. The responsibilities of various parties were set out more clearly. The principles behind Competenz' Moderation approaches were outlined. Requirements for pre-assessment and post-assessment were added. The appointment of moderators was addressed. A new clause on respecting confidentiality and owner Intellectual Property was added.
· An annual report on the outcome of external moderation activity will be provided by Competenz to its leadership and a summary published on the Competenz web site.
· A schedule of charges for moderation was added.
· The appeals process was updated to reflect Competenz' current structure and accountability.
CMR for Competenz (Trading name for NZ Engineering, Food and Manufacturing Industry Training Organisation) - Maritime Qualifications Advisory Group [Ref: 0054]
CMR for Maritime [Ref: 0054]
CMR was updated with details that mirror CMR 0013. Specific requirements for consent to assess for the Maritime subfield were included as an appendix.
CMR for Competenz (Food and Beverage) [Ref: 0111]
CMR for Food and Related Products Processing [Ref: 0111]
CMR was updated with details that mirror CMR 0013.