Field Multi-Field
Revision of NCEA Level 1 qualification
National Certificate of Educational Achievement (Level 1) [Ref: 0928]
The Ministry of Education has completed the revision of the above qualification.
Date new version published November 2012
The next qualification review is planned to take place during 2015.
Reason for the revision
In 2011 the credit requirements for both Literacy and Numeracy were increased from 8 to 10, and the standards that could be used to meet the new requirements were expanded to include a range of Level 1 achievement standards aligned to the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC). Specific transition arrangements for Literacy and Numeracy were provided for 2011.
That transition enabled students to achieve the qualification in 2011 by meeting the:
· Literacy requirements using either Method 1(the previous 8 credit requirement) or Method 2 (the new 10 credit requirement)
· Numeracy requirements using either Method 1 (the previous 8 credit requirement) or Method 2 (the new 10 credit requirement).
The purpose of this revision is to further expand the list of standards that can be used to meet the Literacy and Numeracy requirements to include NZC aligned standards at Level 2 and two English for Academic Purposes standards, and to update transition arrangements.
In 2013, the range of standards will be expanded again to include NZC aligned Level 3 standards that may contribute to literacy and numeracy.
Main change resulting from the revision
Changes to structure and content
· Inclusion of Level 2 achievement standards in the lists of standards that may be used to meet Literacy and Numeracy requirements.
· Inclusion of English for Academic Purposes unit standards 22750 and 22751 in the list of standards that may be used to meet Literacy requirements
· Updating of transition arrangements for students who completed the Literacy and Numeracy requirements before 1 January 2012.
· Small changes to text relating to credit inclusion to reflect the Ministry's moratorium on new applications pending its review of credit inclusion.
Candidates who completed the Literacy requirement before 1 January 2012 using the old 8 credit requirement available in versions 1-7, but did not complete the other requirements for the award of NCEA Level 1 [Ref: 0928], do not need to achieve any further literacy credits for award of the qualification.
Similarly, candidates who completed the Numeracy requirement before 1 January 2012 using the old 8 credit requirement available in versions 1-7, but did not complete the other requirements for the award, do not need to achieve any further numeracy credits for award of the qualification.
However, candidates who did not complete the old 8 credit Literacy requirement in versions 1-7 before 1 January 2012 must meet the 10 credit Literacy requirement specified in this version of the qualification.
Similarly, candidates who did not complete the old 8 credit Numeracy requirement in versions 1-7 before 1 January 2012 must meet the 10 credit numeracy requirement specified in this version of the qualification.
Since the NCEA Level 1 [Ref: 0928] is a multi-field qualification, any credits gained will still contribute towards the total credit requirement of the qualification.
It is not intended that anyone be disadvantaged by this revision. However, anyone who feels they have been disadvantaged may appeal to the Ministry of Education at the address below.
Standard Setting Body
Ministry of Education
PO Box 1666
Wellington 6140
Telephone 04 463 8000