Field Service Sector
Revision and Rollover of Retail, Distribution, and Sales unit standards
Subfield |
Domain |
ID |
Retail, Distribution, and Sales |
Sales |
26857-26861, 26862, 26863-26867, 26871, 26873, 26875, 26876 |
Wholesale |
10458 |
The Retail Institute has completed the revision of the unit standards listed above. The unit standard shown in bold has also been rolled over.
Date new versions published November 2012
Planned review dates
10458 |
December 2013 |
26857-26861, 26862, 26863-26867, 26871, 26873, 26875, 26876 |
December 2015 |
A revision of the unit standards in the National Certificate in Sales (Level 3) [Ref: 1649] and the National Certificate in Sales (Level 4) [Ref: 1650] was carried out to overcome minor mismatches between the unit standards and industry practice which were highlighted by the development of training and assessment resources. This did not cover all the unit standards in the domains as a full review will be included in the Mandatory Review of Retail qualifications.
Meetings were held with the members of the consortium of Industry Training Organisations who were involved in the development of these unit standards. These meetings examined the difficulties with the use of the unit standards and changes were proposed. Amended unit standards were circulated, modified as required, and agreement obtained. The Industry Training Organisation (ITO) consortium included Communications and Media ITO, Competenz, Forest Industries Training and Education Council (FITEC), NZ Motor Industry Training Organisation (Incorporated), Retail Institute, and Skills Active Aotearoa.
Although this revision process recognised that some changes in structure of the qualifications may be required, this will be included in the Mandatory Review of Retail qualifications. Only those unit standards requiring changes that did not impact on the structure of the qualification were submitted for changes.
Main changes
· Explanatory notes modified by:
o listing legislation and definitions in alphabetical order
o expanding list of definitions
o changing assessment information statements.
· Many range statements modified from 'include ...' to 'may include but not limited to'.
· Terminology clarified throughout unit standards to match industry usage.
· AMAP replaced with CMR and related changes to match new template for unit standards.
Detailed list of unit standards - classification, title, level, and credits
Service Sector > Retail, Distribution, and Sales > Sales
ID |
Title |
Level |
Credit |
26857 |
Apply knowledge of target markets, buyer behaviour and marketing mix to sales situations |
3 |
10 |
26858 |
Examine sales roles and produce a personal development plan for a career in sales |
3 |
4 |
26859 |
Apply knowledge of business performance measures to sales situations |
3 |
4 |
26860 |
Manage buyer resistance in sales situations |
3 |
4 |
26861 |
Apply sales skills and tools to sales situations |
3 |
10 |
26862 |
Negotiate sales in one-on-one situations |
3 |
4 |
26863 |
Demonstrate knowledge of business ethics and corporate social responsibility as they apply to sales professionals |
3 |
4 |
26864 |
Apply knowledge of the sales process to sales situations |
3 |
6 |
26865 |
Apply knowledge of customer focused business relationships to sales situations |
3 |
4 |
26866 |
Manage and facilitate sales negotiations |
4 |
6 |
26867 |
Analyse customer decision making processes and communicate with the Decision Making Unit (DMU) in sales situations |
4 |
4 |
26871 |
Improve business performance in sales roles |
4 |
8 |
26873 |
Develop, submit and evaluate sales proposals |
4 |
6 |
26875 |
Use prospecting to develop new business and use a sales pipeline effectively |
4 |
3 |
26876 |
Prepare and conduct sales meetings with prospects or clients |
4 |
4 |
Service Sector > Retail, Distribution, and Sales > Wholesale
ID |
Title |
Level |
Credit |
10458 |
Communicate product information to sales clients |
4 |
5 |