Field                   Engineering and Technology


Revision of Electricity Supply qualifications


National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Thermal Operator) (Level 4) with strands in Thermal Operations, Combined Cycle Operations, and Geothermal Operations [Ref: 0894]

National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Field Switcher) (Level 4) with optional strands in Distribution Networks, Transmission Networks, and Operational and Co-ordination Planning [Ref: 1117]

National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Power Technician) (Level 5) with an optional strand in Generation and Sustainable Energy [Ref: 1260]

National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Electrical) (Level 4) with strands in Electricity Supply Electrician, Electrical Fitter, and Electrical Technician [Ref: 1295]


The Electricity Supply Industry Training Organisation (ESITO) has revised the qualifications listed above.


Date new versions published                                                          August 2013


The next qualification review is planned to take place during 2013.


Reason for the revision


These qualifications were revised in order to remove and replace expired and expiring standards to ensure that the qualifications continued to be achievable until the mandatory review of Electricity Supply qualifications could be completed.


Main changes resulting from the revision


National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Thermal Operator) (Level 4) with strands in Thermal Operations, Combined Cycle Operations, and Geothermal Operations

[Ref: 0894]


Changes to structure and content

·                Overall credits have been amended for the Thermal Operations Strand from 114 to 116, Combined Cycle Operation Strand from 134 to 136, and Geothermal Operations Strand from 103 to 105.

·                Expired standard 19481 was removed from the compulsory set and replaced with unit standard 27655.

·                Expired unit standards 10405 and 10406 were removed from the Geothermal Operations Strand.




All existing candidates may either complete the version of the qualification on which they are enrolled or transfer their existing achievements to version 5 by December 2016.  All new trainees will be enrolled in programmes leading to version 5 of the qualification.


This qualification contains a standard that has been substituted for an earlier standard.  For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the expiring standard are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the replacement standard – see table below.


Credit for

Exempt from




National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Field Switcher) (Level 4) with optional strands in Distribution Networks, Transmission Networks, and Operational and Co-ordination Planning [Ref: 1117]


Changes to structure and content

·                Elective requirement was reduced from 21 to 17 credits.

·                Expired standard 19324 was removed from the compulsory set and standard 12387 was substituted for it.

·                Expiring standard 19481 was removed from the Operational and Co-ordination Planning Optional Strand and standard 27655 was substituted for it.




All existing candidates may either complete the version of the qualification on which they are enrolled or transfer their existing achievements to version 4.  All new trainees will be enrolled in programmes leading to version 4 of the qualification.


This qualification contains standards that have been substituted for earlier standards.  For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the expiring or expired standards are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the replacement standards – see table below.


Credit for

Exempt from






National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Power Technician) (Level 5) with an optional strand in Generation and Sustainable Energy [Ref: 1260]


Changes to structure and content

·                Overall credits reduced from 162 to 158.

·                Expiring standard 14280 was removed.




All existing candidates may either complete the version of the qualification on which they are enrolled or transfer their existing achievements to version 4.  All new trainees will be enrolled in programmes leading to version 4 of the qualification.


This version of the qualification contains standards that have replaced or been substituted for an earlier standard.  For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the expiring standard are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the substitute or replacement standard – see table below.


Credit for

Exempt from












Reverse transition


Version 2 of this qualification contains standards that have been substituted for or replaced earlier standards.  For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the replacement standards are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the expiring standards – see table below.


Credit for

Exempt from






National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Electrical) (Level 4) with strands in Electricity Supply Electrician, Electrical Fitter, and Electrical Technician [Ref: 1295]


Changes to structure and content

·                Expiring standard 19481 was removed from the Electrical Technician Strand and standard 26019 was substituted for it.

·                Expiring standard 14280, also in the Electrical Technician Strand, was removed and standard 14297 substituted for it.




All existing candidates may either complete the version of the qualification on which they are enrolled or transfer their existing achievements to version 3 by December 2016.  All new trainees will be enrolled in programmes leading to version 3 of the qualification.


This qualification contains standards that replace or were substituted for earlier standards.  For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the expiring standards are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the replacement or substituted standards – see table below.


Credit for

Exempt from








Reverse transition


Version 1 and 2 of this qualification contain standards that have been substituted for earlier standards.  For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the replacement standards are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the expiring standards – see table below.


Credit for

Exempt from






It is not intended that anyone is disadvantaged by this revision and the above arrangements have been designed for a smooth transition.  Anyone who feels they have been disadvantaged may appeal to:


Electricity Supply Industry Training Organisation

PO Box 1245

Waikato Mail Centre

Hamilton 3240


Telephone              07 834 3038

Facsimile                07 834 8160
