Field Business
Revision of Credit Management qualifications
National Certificate in Credit Administration (Credit Control) (Level 3) [Ref: 1189]
The Skills Organisation has revised the qualifications listed above.
Date new versions published May 2014
The next qualification review is planned to take place during 2015.
Reason for the revision
The qualifications were revised and republished to recognise the change in the Standard Setting Body (SSB) responsibility from Competenz to The Skills Organisation.
Main changes resulting from the revision
National Certificate in Credit Administration (Credit Control) (Level 3) [Ref: 1189]
Changes to structure and content
· SSB details were changed
· Next review date of 2015 was included
People currently working towards version 2 of this qualification may either complete that version or transfer their results to version 3.
Changes to structure and content
· SSB details were changed
· Next review date of 2015 was included
People currently working towards version 3 of this qualification may either complete that version or transfer their results to version 4.
It is anticipated that no existing candidates will be disadvantaged by these transition arrangements as no changes have been made to the unit standards involved. However, anyone who feels that they have been disadvantaged may appeal to The Skills Organisation using the contact details provided below.
The Skills Organisation
Freepost 5164
PO Box
24-469 Royal Oak
Telephone (09) 525 2590
Fax (09) 525 2591