Reviewof Energyand ChemicalPlant qualifications


National CertificateinEnergyandChemicalPlant(Boiler Operation) (Level 2)[Ref:1342]

National CertificateinEnergyandChemicalPlant(Process Operation) (Level 2) with optional strands inPetrochemical Industry;KraftPulpandChemicalOperations;andKraft Liquor Evaporation [Ref:1343]

National CertificateinEnergyandChemicalPlant(Process Operation) with optional strands inSteam Generation;TurbineOperations;WasteTreatment;Refrigeration; Chemical ContinuousProcess;Chemical Batch Process;SolidHandling;Petrochemical Field Operations;Petrochemical Control Room Operations;PetrochemicalProduction Storage;KraftCycleOperations;Kraft BleachandChemical Operations;andKraft PulpingandChemicalPlant[Ref:1344]


ThePrimary IndustryTrainingOrganisationhas completed thereviewofthe qualifications listedabove.


Replacement qualifications


NewZealandCertificateinEnergyandChemical Operations(Boiler Operation) (Level 3) [Ref: 2306]

NewZealandCertificateinEnergyandChemical Operations (Plant and Machinery) (Level 3) [Ref: 2305]

NewZealandCertificateinEnergyandChemical FieldOperations (Level 4) withstrands in Process PlantEquipment,SteamPlant,Geothermal Operation,Petrochemical Operation, Petrochemical Station, and PetrochemicalTransfer andStorage [Ref: 2307]

NewZealandCertificateinEnergyandChemical PlantControl Room Operations (Level 5) withstrands inChemical Plant,SteamGenerationPlant,and PlantOutageCoordination [Ref: 2308]


Date new versions published                                                          October 2014


The next qualification review is planned to take place during 2019.


Summary of review and consultation process


The standard setting body function has moved from NZ Motor Industry Training Organisation (MITO) to the Primary Industry Training Organisation (Primary ITO) and is reflected in this review.  The change has been agreed by NZQA and TEC and is supported by the following Steam and Hazardous Gases Advisory Group (SHAG) member organisations:


·        NZ Motor Industry Training Organisation (MITO)

·        Primary Industry Training Organisation (Primary ITO)

·        Competenz

·        Infrastructure Industry Training Organisation (Connexis).


Thereviewoccurredasaresultofthe mandatoryreviewofEnergyandChemicalPlant sector qualifications, part oftheTargetedReviewofQualifications (TRoQ).  Themandatory reviewinvolved extensiveconsultationwithstakeholders workingin andwith theindustry.  Consultationincludedmeetingstodiscussthe needtoreviewthequalifications,and subsequentmeetings consideredtheproposedcontent ofthe new qualifications.


Industryconfirmedtheon-goingneedforasuiteofqualificationsinthis areathatwould recognisegraduatecapabilitiesandprovidean educationpathwayfor trainees.


The existingNational qualificationshavebeenreplaced byNewZealandqualifications,as detailedbelow.


Main changes resulting from the review


National CertificateinEnergyandChemicalPlant(Boiler Operation) (Level 2)[Ref:1342]

replaced by

NewZealand Certificate inEnergyand ChemicalOperations (Boiler Operation) (Level 3) [Ref: 2306]


Review category


See Key to Qualification Review Categories at the end of report


National CertificateinEnergyandChemicalPlant(Process Operation) (Level 2) with optional strands inPetrochemical Industry;KraftPulpandChemicalOperations;andKraft Liquor Evaporation[Ref:1343]

replaced by

NewZealand Certificate inEnergyand ChemicalOperations (Plant and Machinery) (Level 3)[Ref: 2305]


Review category


See Key to Qualification Review Categories at the end of report


National CertificateinEnergyandChemicalPlant(Process Operation) with optional strands inSteam Generation;TurbineOperations;WasteTreatment;Refrigeration; Chemical ContinuousProcess;Chemical Batch Process;SolidHandling;Petrochemical Field Operations;Petrochemical Control Room Operations;PetrochemicalProduction Storage;KraftCycleOperations;Kraft BleachandChemical Operations;andKraftPulping andChemical Plant[Ref:1344]

replaced by

NewZealandCertificateinEnergyand ChemicalField Operations (Level 4)with strands inProcessPlantEquipment,Steam Plant,GeothermalOperation, PetrochemicalOperation, PetrochemicalStation, and PetrochemicalTransferand Storage[Ref:2307]


Review category


See Key to Qualification Review Categories at the end of report




The lastdateforentryinto programmes leading towardsthereplacedqualifications is 31December2016.  The lastdateforaward ofthereplaced qualificationsis31December 2018, when the qualifications will be designated as discontinued.  From that date no results can be reported against the qualifications.


People currently working towards the replaced qualifications may either complete the requirements by 31 December 2018 or transfer their results to the replacement qualifications.


Itis anticipatedthatnoexistingcandidates will be disadvantagedbythesetransition arrangements.  However, anyonewhofeels thattheyhave beendisadvantaged may appeal to Primary ITOattheaddressbelow.  Appeals will beconsideredona casebycase basis.


Primary Industry Training Organisation

PO Box 10383

The Terrace

Wellington 6143


Telephone         04 801 9616




Key to Qualification Review Categories


Category A

The qualification is published as a new version with the same NQF ID

Changes are made to SSB name, contact details or purpose statement

No change is made to title, rules or components of the qualification

No transition arrangements are required

Category B

The qualification is published as a new version with the same NQF ID

Changes are made to title, rules or components

The new version of the qualification recognises a similar skill set to that recognised by the previous version

The SSB is confident that people awarded the new or previous version are comparable in terms of competence

Transition arrangements are required if candidates must gain additional/different credits for the new version

Category C

A new (replacement) qualification is published with new NQF ID

Significant changes are made to the qualification in terms of components, structure, type or level

The SSB views people with the replacement qualification as being significantly different in terms of competence from those with the replaced qualification

Transition arrangements are required

Transition may be limited to phase-out dates

Category D

Qualification will expire.

There is no replacement qualification

Qualification is no longer required by industry

The qualification is designated as expiring and a last date for meeting the qualification requirements is set