Field Computing and Information Technology Revision and rollover of Computing unit standards





Computer Support

18750, 18753, 18755

Generic Computing

2781, 2796, 5943, 6745, 6748,


NZQA National Qualifications Services (NQS) has completed the revision and rollover of the unit standards listed above.

Date new versions published 16 April 2015

Planned review date 31 December 2017


The mandatory review of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) qualifications, which includes computing qualifications, is currently underway, and the computing unit standards above are due for review in 2015. The flow-on effects of the mandatory review on these standards is unknown, so they have been revised and rolled over to extend their period of listing on the Directory of Assessment Standards (DAS). Once the current review of ICT qualifications has been completed and new qualifications listed, the computing unit standards will be progressively reviewed in light of the new qualifications.

Changes have been made only where necessary to ensure each standard is current (e.g. with legislation) and where there have been issues with clarity or intent.

Main changes

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