Field Sciences
Revision and rollover of Science unit standards
Subfield |
Domain |
ID |
Science |
Biochemistry |
8043, 8044, 8046, 8049, 8058, 8059, 26486 - 91 |
Biology |
8092, 8094, 8097, 8098, 8102, 9226, 9227, 12812, 12813, 26420, 26509, 26510, 26511 |
Chemistry |
8436, 8439, 8443, 8444, 8445, 8446, 8448, 8449 – 8452, 8453, 8455 – 57, 8459, 8470, 9242, 12363, 16565, 16566, 16567, 26341, 26342, 26345 |
Immunology |
26492 |
Microbiology |
8022 – 8025, 8027 – 8028, 8030, 8032, 8033, 8035, 8036 – 8038, 8040, 8042, 12366, 12367, 12369, 12370, 12460, 26109, 26110, 26111, 26112, 26113 - 26116 |
Molecular Biology |
8050, 8065, 8067, 8070, 26493, 26494 |
Science - Core |
8029, 8091, 8096, 8440, 8441, 8466, 8467, 12368, 20885, 20886, 26117, 26344, 26346, 26347, 27388 |
NZQA National Qualifications Services (NQS) has completed the rollover of the unit standards listed above. Unit standards in bold have been revised and rolled over.
Date new versions published January 2015
Planned review dates
Domains Biology and Chemistry December 2017
Domains Biochemistry, Immunology, Microbiology, December 2018
Molecular Biology, Science – Core
In 2014, NQS initiated the revision and rollover of unit standards from the subfield Science. These unit standards were due for review by December 2015, but due to the mandatory review of qualifications, it was decided to rollover the unit standards until the review of science qualifications is completed.
Providers who had reported results against these unit standards were asked to identify unit standards requiring revision before the rollover process commenced.
National consultation on the revised standards was conducted in August 2014 through NZQA’s website. No objections to the changes were received.
Main changes
· Unit standards 8033, 8444, 26112, 26347, 26509, and 26510 were revised, and purpose, explanatory notes, and/or evidence requirements were amended.
· The remaining unit standards were changed to a new template without any changes to content.