Field Māori
Registration of new Level 2 Tikanga ā-Iwi achievement standards
New Achievement standards
Domain |
ID |
Subject reference |
Tikanga ā-Iwi |
91758-91763 |
TAI 2.1-2.6 |
The Ministry of Education has developed new achievement standards that are derived from the Achievement Objectives of the Tikanga ā-Iwi Learning Area in Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.
New Registration date November 2015
Date new versions published December 2015
Planned review date December 2018
Summary of development and consultation process
In 2010 the Ministry of Education, in association with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority and subject working groups, began to develop achievement standards derived from outcomes in Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (TMoA). This development also addressed duplication of outcomes, credit parity, fairness, consistency and coherence. The development was guided by the direction of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and the Standards Review Guidelines. A copy of TMoA is available at:
Draft achievement standards were developed with the involvement of teacher subject working groups. The draft standards were the focus of wide consultation, especially with kaiako (teachers) in wharekura (secondary programmes in Māori-medium schools). Resources were also developed to support the standards.
There was no duplication with unit standards.
Main changes resulting from the development and revision
· All TMoA Level 7 (NZQF Level 2) outcomes are now assessed using achievement standards.
· Grading criteria for achievement standards were reviewed in accordance with the Standards Review Guidelines.
· Six new standards were created at Level 2 for Tikanga ā-Iwi that align to TMoA outcomes.
For a detailed description of the review of, and the changes to, the Tikanga ā-Iwi standards see the Appendix at the end of this report.
Impact on Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR)
All new achievement standards have been registered on CMR 0233.
Detailed list of achievement standards – classification, title, level, and credits
New achievement standards
Māori > Te Marautanga o Aotearoa > Tikanga ā-Iwi
ID |
Ref |
Title |
Level |
Credit |
91758 |
TAI 2.1 |
Te whakaatu mōhiotanga ki ngā take e hūnuku ai tētahi rōpū me ngā pāpātanga ki te iwi |
2 |
4 |
91759 |
TAI 2.2 |
Te tūhura i ngā take e pā ana ki te whakamahi whenua |
2 |
4 |
91760 |
TAI 2.3 |
Te tūhura i tētahi take tōrangapū |
2 |
4 |
91761 |
TAI 2.4 |
Te tūhura i ngā take e pāpā ana ki te oranga tonutanga o te reo Māori |
2 |
4 |
91762 |
TAI 2.5 |
Te tātari i te tuakiri ā-iwi |
2 |
4 |
91763 |
TAI 2.6 |
Te tātari i tētahi take i tutū ai te puehu i Aotearoa |
2 |
4 |
Development of Tikanga ā-Iwi Level 2 Achievement Standards
Process of aligning standards with Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
The process of aligning achievement standards with Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (TMoA) was informed by a series of audits across all learning areas conducted by Māori-medium subject specialists. After determining the extent to which the existing achievement standards met the whāinga paetae (achievement objectives) within the Tikanga ā-Iwi learning area of TMoA, new achievement standards were developed for this area by a group of subject specialists working in wharekura.
The new Level 2 Tikanga ā-Iwi achievement standards were developed to align with the whāinga paetae within the Level 7 Te Whakaritenga Pāpori me te Ahurea (Social Organisation and Culture), Te Ao Hurihuri (The Changing World), Te Wāhi me te Taiao (Place and Environment), and Ngā Mahinga Ohaoha (The Economic World) strands of the Tikanga ā-Iwi learning area of TMoA.
The achievement standards (AS19758-AS91763) have been designed to intertwine the strands of Geography, History, Social Studies and Economics. They have been written generically enough to enable kaiako and ākonga to focus on one strand or combine multiple strands.
Conditions of Assessment have been developed to assist in the interpretation of achievement standards and the development of teaching and learning programmes.
Addressing duplication
The achievement standards were compared in detail with the NZC Social Sciences standards to ensure that there was no duplication with the existing English-medium standards.
Addressing credit parity
The credits allocated to the standards reflect the time required for the teaching and learning involved.
External and internal assessment
The mode of assessment for each standard best reflects the teaching and learning involved for each standard.
Internal assessment was considered the most appropriate medium for all the Tikanga ā-Iwi standards.
What has changed (summary)?
At Level 2, the standards build on the skills and understandings developed at Level 1. The standards were developed to ensure that there is as smooth a transition as possible from Level 1 to 2, and on to Level 3. Some standards build directly on the Level 1 standards, while others branch out into different areas.
At Level 2, as at Level 1, the focus is on Aotearoa, although there is scope within two of the standards in particular (2.1 & 2.3) to look outward and explore te ao whānui.
Tikanga ā-Iwi 2.1 Te whakaatu mōhiotanga ki ngā take e hūnuku ai tētahi rōpū me ngā pāpātanga ki te iwi (AS91758) requires students to provide evidence of their understanding of the reasons that various groups migrate and the impact that this has on the iwi and the wider society.
Tikanga ā-Iwi 2.2 Te tūhura i ngā take e pā ana ki te whakamahi whenua (AS91759) requires students to provide evidence of their understanding of the various issues that influence and impact upon land management and use.
Tikanga ā-Iwi 2.3 Te tūhura i tētahi take tōrangapū (AS91760) requires students to provide evidence of an investigation of a political topic that impacts upon Māori.
Tikanga ā-Iwi 2.4 Te tūhura i ngā take e pāpā ana ki te oranga tonutanga o te reo Māori (AS91761) requires students to provide evidence of an investigation of the factors that influence or have influenced the ongoing survival of te reo Māori.
Thematically Tikanga ā-Iwi 2.5 and 2.6 build on Tikanga ā-Iwi 1.5 and 1.6 (AS91730 & AS91731).
Tikanga ā-Iwi 2.5 Te tātari i te tuakiri ā-iwi (AS91762) requires students to provide evidence of an analysis of iwi identity.
Tikanga ā-Iwi 2.6 Te tātari i tētahi take i tutū ai te puehu i Aotearoa (AS91763) requires students to provide evidence of an analysis of a past event within te ao Māori where conflict has occurred or trouble has arisen and the causes for this conflict/trouble.