Field Māori
Engineering and Technology
New Hangarau achievement standards and revised Business Studies and Technology achievement standards
New Achievement standards
Domain |
ID |
Subject reference |
Hangarau |
91770-91776 |
Hangarau 2.1-2.7 |
Revised Achievement standards
Domain |
ID |
Subject reference |
Business Studies |
90846 |
Bus 2.4 |
Design and Visual Communication |
91337-91339 |
DVC 2.30-2.32 |
Digital Technologies |
91367, 91371 |
DigiTech 2.40, 2.44 |
Generic Technology |
91354-91360, 91363 |
GenTech 2.1-2.7, 2.10 |
The Ministry of Education has completed the development of the Hangarau achievement standards listed above and revised the related Technology achievement standards to indicate that they also derive from Te Marautanga o Aotearoa achievement objectives. The report relating to the revised Technology standards may be accessed at
New Registration date November 2015
Date new versions published December 2015
Planned review date December 2018
Summary of review and consultation process
In 2010 the Ministry of Education, in association with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority and subject working groups, began to develop achievement standards derived from outcomes in Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (TMoA). This development also addressed duplication of outcomes, credit parity, fairness, consistency and coherence. The development was guided by the direction of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and the Standards Review Guidelines. A copy of TMoA is available at:
Teacher subject working groups were involved in the development, and draft achievement standards were the focus of wide consultation, especially with kaiako (teachers) in wharekura (secondary programmes in Māori-medium schools). Resources were also developed to support these standards.
The English medium technology standards listed in the table above were amended to show that they also derive from the Whāinga Paetae (Achievement Objectives) in TMoA. The new versions of the standards were published in November 2014, when they were rolled over with a new planned review date of December 2018.
Main changes resulting from the development and revision processes
· All TMoA Level 2 (NZQF Level 7) outcomes are now assessed using achievement standards.
· Grading criteria for achievement standards were reviewed in accordance with the Standards Review Guidelines.
· Seven new standards were created for Hangarau that align to TMoA achievement objectives.
· One Business Studies achievement standard (90846 – Business Studies 2.4), eight Generic Technology achievement standards (91354-91360 & 91363 – Generic Technology 2.1-2.7 & 2.10), three Design and Visual Technology achievement standards (91337-91339 – DVC 2.30-2.32), and two Digital Technologies achievement standards (91367 & 91371 – DT 2.40 & 2.44) were amended in November 2014 to show that they also derive from TMoA Whāinga Paetae.
For a detailed description of the development of Hangarau standards, see the Appendix at the end of this report.
Impact on existing organisations with consent to assess
Impact on Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR)
All new achievement standards have been registered on CMR 0233.
Impact on registered qualifications
Impact of changes on Exclusions List
Detailed list of achievement standards – classification, title, level, and credits
New achievement standards
Māori > Te Marautanga o Aotearoa > Hangarau
ID |
MoE Ref |
Title |
Level |
Credit |
91770 |
Hangarau 2.1 |
Te whakaputa tauāki hei whakaea i tētahi take hangarau motuhake |
2 |
4 |
91771 |
Hangarau 2.2 |
Te whakatakoto tikanga hei whakaea i tētahi take hangarau motuhake |
2 |
4 |
91772 |
Hangarau 2.3 |
Te whakaputa hoahoa hei whakaea i tētahi take hangarau motuhake |
2 |
4 |
91773 |
Hangarau 2.4 |
Te whakaputa i tētahi hua hangarau rorohiko hei whakaea i tētahi take hangarau motuhake |
2 |
6 |
91774 |
Hangarau 2.5 |
Te whakaputa i tētahi hua hangarau hanganga hei whakaea i tētahi take hangarau motuhake |
2 |
6 |
91775 |
Hangarau 2.6 |
Te whakaputa i tētahi hua hangarau kai hei whakaea i tētahi take hangarau motuhake |
2 |
6 |
91776 |
Hangarau 2.7 |
Te whakaputa i tētahi hua hangarau kākahu hei whakaea i tētahi take hangarau motuhake |
2 |
6 |
Revised achievement standards
Business > Business Operations and Development > Business Studies
ID |
MoE Ref |
Title |
Level |
Credit |
90846 |
Bus 2.4 |
Conduct market research for a new or existing product |
2 |
3 |
Engineering and Technology> Technology > Design and Visual Communication
ID |
MoE Ref |
Title |
Level |
Credit |
91337 |
DVC 2.30 |
Use visual communication techniques to generate design ideas |
2 |
3 |
91338 |
DVC 2.31 |
Produce working drawings to communicate technical details of a design |
2 |
4 |
91339 |
DVC 2.32 |
Produce instrumental perspective projection drawings to communicate design ideas |
2 |
3 |
Engineering and Technology> Technology > Digital Technologies
ID |
MoE Ref |
Title |
Level |
Credit |
91367 |
DigiTech 2.40 |
Demonstrate understanding of advanced concepts relating to managing shared information within information systems |
2 |
3 |
91371 |
DigiTech 2.44 |
Demonstrate understanding of advanced concepts from computer science |
2 |
4 |
Engineering and Technology> Technology > Generic Technology
ID |
MoE Ref |
Title |
Level |
Credit |
91354 |
GenTech 2.1 |
Undertake brief development to address an issue |
2 |
4 |
91355 |
GenTech 2.2 |
Select and use planning tools to manage the development of an outcome |
2 |
4 |
91356 |
GenTech 2.3 |
Develop a conceptual design for an outcome |
2 |
6 |
91357 |
GenTech 2.4 |
Undertake effective development to make and trial a prototype |
2 |
6 |
91358 |
GenTech 2.5 |
Demonstrate understanding of how technological modelling supports risk management |
2 |
4 |
91359 |
GenTech 2.6 |
Demonstrate understanding of the role of material evaluation in product development |
2 |
4 |
91360 |
GenTech 2.7 |
Demonstrate understanding of redundancy and reliability in technological systems |
2 |
4 |
91363 |
GenTech 2.10 |
Demonstrate understanding of sustainability in design |
2 |
4 |
Development of Hangarau Level 2 Achievement Standards
Process of aligning standards with Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (TMoA)
The process of aligning achievement standards with Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (TMoA) was informed by a series of audits across all learning areas conducted by Māori-medium subject specialists. After determining the extent to which the existing achievement standards met the Whāinga Paetae (achievement objectives) within the Hangarau learning area of TMoA, two options were identified:
· translating the Technology standards into te reo Māori; or
· developing a unique set of Hangarau achievement standards.
Developing a unique set of Hangarau standards was deemed to best reflect the Whāinga Paetae within the Hangarau learning area of TMoA. It acknowledges the importance and value of mātauranga Māori, offering students the opportunity to be assessed against a set of standards derived from a Māori perspective. It also offers teachers in senior secondary Māori-medium settings an alternative set of standards to assess their students against and encourages the growth of kaihangarau (Māori technologists).
A panel consisting of subject specialists working in wharekura was convened by the Ministry of Education to develop the new achievement standards. They developed seven Hangarau-specific achievement standards at Level 2 (AS91770 –AS91776 – Han 2.1-2.7) to align with the Whāinga Paetae within the Level 7 Ngā Āhuatanga o te Hangarau (Concepts of Technology) and Te Whakaharatau Hangarau (Technological Practice) strands of the Hangarau learning area of TMoA. These standards reflect the essence of Hangarau, with its emphasis on mātauranga Māori.
The existing standards derived from the NZC that met the Whāinga Paetae within TMoA were also identified and revised to reflect this. One Business Studies achievement standard (90846 – Business Studies 2.4), eight Generic Technology achievement standards (91354-91360 & 91363 – Generic Technology 2.1-2.7 & 2.10), three Design and Visual Technology achievement standards (91337-91339 – DVC 2.30-2.32), and two Digital Technologies achievement standards (91367 & 91371 – DT 2.40 & 2.44) were amended to show that they also derive from TMoA Whāinga Paetae.
Conditions of Assessment have been developed to assist in the interpretation of achievement standards and the development of teaching and learning programmes.
Addressing duplication
Addressing credit parity
External and internal assessment
What has changed (summary)?
Seven Hangarau-specific achievement standards (AS91770-AS91776 – Han 2.1-2.7) have been written reflecting the knowledge base, skills and understandings of Hangarau that can be achieved by ākonga at Level 7 of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.
The set of standards has been written to ensure that generic skills, knowledge and understandings are assessed in a Hangarau context. They are complemented by English-medium Technology standards. Skills include:
· brief development
· using planning tools
· understanding design
· understanding modelling and the relation of structure of materials to function
· understanding the role of other disciplines
· understanding the interaction between an outcome and the people and environment it is located in.
Achievement standards 2.1–2.3 (AS91770–AS91772) follow the technological process while achievement standards 2.4–2.7 (AS91773–AS91776) relate to the production of a technological outcome. The benefit of this is that students are able to follow the complete process from start to finish and gain credit for each step.