Field Māori
Review of Whenua unit standards
Subfield |
Domain |
ID |
Whenua |
Te Whakahaere Whenua |
16346, 16353, 26728, 27134, 27135, 27136, 27137 |
Te Whakamau Whenua |
16074, 16370, 16373, 16375, 16377, 16378, 27138, 27139 |
Te Whakamahi Whenua |
6145, 6146, 15974, 15975, 15980, 15982, 15992, 15994, 15996, 19531, 19535, 25469, 25470, 25471, 25473, 25474, 25475, 25476, 25477, 25478 |
Māori Qualifications Services has completed the review of the unit standards listed above. The unit standard in bold in now designated as expiring.
Date new versions published November 2015
Planned review date December 2019
The review of these unit standards were initiated through their scheduled review and the Targeted Review of Qualifications (TRoQ) for Environment Māori qualifications.
The unit standards were reviewed to ensure that they are fit for purpose and relevant. The titles, purpose statements, explanatory notes, outcomes, evidence requirements and range statements in the unit standards have been amended to reflect this and to ensure clarity for users.
The unit standards were reviewed by Whakaruruhau over four hui held in 2014 and 2015. All amendments to the standards were endorsed by stakeholders and the Whenua and Environment Māori Whakaruruhau.
The last date for assessment of superseded versions of the reviewed standards is 31 December 2017. Results will not be accepted where the assessment date is after the
last date for assessment of superseded versions of the standard.
Unit standard 16367 expired in the last review and in this review unit standard 16370 has been designated as expiring. The whakaruruhau have combined the two standards and developed a new standard 29233.
Main changes
· Unit standard 16370 is designated as expiring in December 2016.
· One new standard has been developed.
· The titles of unit standards 16377, 19531, 19535, 15992, 27134, 27136 and 27139 have been changed to better reflect the unit standard outcomes.
· Unit standards 19531 and 19535 and 15992 have been amended to include native freshwater shellfish and marine shellfish.
· Grammar errors have been amended.
· Changes in levels and/or credit values were made to unit standards 6145, 15974, 15975, 25476 and 27134.
· Four unit standards transferred from CMR 0166 to CMR 0226
Category D unit standards will expire at the end of December 2016
Detailed list of amended unit standards
All changes are in bold.
Key to review category |
A |
Dates changed, but no other changes are made - the new version of the standard carries the same ID and a new version number |
B |
Changes made, but the overall outcome remains the same - the new version of the standard carries the same ID and a new version number |
C |
Major changes that necessitate the registration of a replacement standard with a new ID |
D |
Standard will expire and not be replaced |
Māori> Whenua> Te Whakahaere Whenua
ID |
Title |
Level |
Credit |
Review Category |
27134 |
Explain the function of authorities under Resource Management Act 1991 and their effects on Māori Explain the responsibilities of authorities to involve tangata whenua under the Resource Management Act 1991 |
3 4 |
6 |
B |
27136 |
Critique coastal management and their effects on local Māori Examine coastal management practices and the impacts on local Māori |
5 |
8 |
B |
Māori> Whenua> Te Whakamau Whenua
ID |
Title |
Level |
Credit |
Review Category |
16370 |
Examine and analyse issues in the management and ownership of geothermal resources and the effects on Māori |
5 |
8 |
D |
29233 |
Examine the Treaty of Waitangi, the Waitangi Tribunal, and an iwi/Māori claim regarding natural/physical resources |
5 |
10 |
16377 |
Demonstrate knowledge of using Māori Land Court records to carry out research Demonstrate knowledge of using Māori Land Court records and of kaupapa Māori research values and principles |
3 |
4 |
B |
27139 |
Demonstrate knowledge of historical Māori land administration Demonstrate knowledge of customary, traditional, and historical Māori land tenure and administration systems |
4 |
6 |
B |
Māori> Whenua> Te Whakamahi Whenua
ID |
Title |
Level |
Credit |
Review Category |
6145 |
Explain mahinga kai in relation to the way Māori use taonga of the natural world |
3 |
3 6 |
B |
15974 |
Demonstrate knowledge of Māori temperature control systems for crop storage and ngā whare Māori |
3 |
3 5 |
B |
15975 |
Demonstrate knowledge of traditional insecticides and fungicides used by Māori |
2 |
4 2 |
B |
15982 |
Demonstrate knowledge of tikanga Māori for rākau maori used for kai Demonstrate knowledge of tikanga Māori for rākau Māori used for kai |
2 |
2 |
B |
15992 |
Explain harvesting and processing of a native freshwater and a native marine fish species for kai Explain harvesting and processing of a native freshwater and a native marine fish or shellfish species for kai |
2 |
3 |
B |
19531 |
Demonstrate knowledge of a native marine fish species and its significance to Māori Demonstrate knowledge of a native marine fish and a native marine shellfish species and its significance to Māori |
1 |
2 |
B |
19535 |
Demonstrate knowledge of a native freshwater fish species and its significance to Māori Demonstrate knowledge of a native freshwater fish and a shellfish species and its significance to Māori |
1 |
2 |
B |
25476 |
Describe crop storage practices in accordance with local tikanga
2 |
4 3 |
B |