Field Service Sector
Review of Maritime Unit Standard
Subfield |
Domain |
ID |
Maritime |
Navigation and Seamanship |
19628 |
Competenz has completed the review of the unit standard listed above.
Date new versions published November 2015
Planned review date December 2020
A Maritime Working Group has recently reviewed all the maritime qualifications as a part of the Targeted Review of Qualifications. This group included representatives from industry, all the significant providers and the regulatory authority which is Maritime New Zealand. This same group has now completed the review/ revision of the unit standards which will be used in these qualifications. The main focus of the unit standard review was to ensure the content of the unit standards align to the appropriate International and Maritime New Zealand Competency Frameworks.
The review has resulted in updated outcomes and evidence requirements that reflect both legislative requirements and current industry practice.
The Working Group has endorsed the changes made to the standard.
Main changes
· Purpose statement, entry requirements and explanatory notes, were edited to ensure they are consistent and fit for purpose and provide clarity for users.
· Outcomes, evidence requirements, and range statements were edited and re-ordered to improve clarity and ensure coverage of required knowledge and skills.