NZQA National Qualifications Services has completed the review and revision of the Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMRs) above.
CMR for Business and Management [Ref: 0113] was reviewed.
The following CMRs were revised to update their content to mirror the reviewed CMR 0113:
CMR for Computing and Information Technology [Ref: 0011]
CMR for Core and Communication Skills [Ref: 0023]
CMR for Economics [Ref: 0116]
CMR for Supported Learning [Ref: 0142]
CMR for Science [Ref: 0152]
The next CMR review is planned to take place during 2020.
The CMR for Business and Management [Ref: 0113] had not been reviewed since 2004, or revised since 2006. All organisations with consent to assess under this CMR were surveyed to determine changes for wider consideration. As a result, some changes were made to the consent requirements, refer below.
A separate review of the Moderation requirements was undertaken by NZQA Tertiary Assessment and Moderation in August 2015, and the reviewed version will now apply to all CMRs for NZQA Māori Qualifications Services and National Qualifications Services.
National Qualifications Services took this opportunity to continue the rationalisation of its many CMRs, and revised five other CMRs with the reviewed CMR 0113. CMRs 0011, 0023, 0116, 0142, and 0152 were updated to mirror the reviewed CMR 0113. When the standards from these CMRs are next reviewed or revised, they will be transferred to CMR 0113.
Because the changes to these CMRs are not major, and often are less demanding than the current requirements or reflect current practice:
Requirements for consent to assess will apply with effect from October 2015
Moderation system requirements will apply with effect from October 2015.
Organisations with consent to assess will be expected to be able to demonstrate compliance with the CMR from 1 March 2016 onwards.
Standard Setting Body involvement in process for granting consent to assess
The involvement required for Business and Management at level 4 was changed from Evaluation of documentation and visit by NZQA and industry to Evaluation of documentation by NZQA.
Visit waiver conditions
Conditions were amplified or inserted where necessary to match those in CMR 0011, Computing and Information Technology.
Areas of shared responsibility
Statement was rationalised or added where necessary to match the intent in the CMR 0113, Business and Management.
Industry or sector-specific requirements for consent to assess
Criteria were collated from the six contributing CMRs into one set of requirements that collectively apply to all areas.
Criteria that apply just to specific areas are included to reflect the intent of the individual current CMR(s).
Moderation System
National external moderation definition updated to reflect the NZQA Assessment (including Examination) Rules for Schools with Consent to Assess 2015.
Reference to National Systems Check added.
Moderation submission options and timeframes updated to reflect current practice.
Moderation report content options clarified.
On-line access to moderation reports added.
Reference to Best Practice Workshops and additional moderator support added.
Non-compliance with moderation requirements
Specific examples of NZQA actions added.
Information condensed and organisations referred to the NZQA website for specific details.