FIELD                 Manufacturing


Review of Manufacturing qualifications


National Certificate in Footwear (Level 3) with strands in Clicking,

Closing, Bottom Stock, and Making and Lasting [Ref: 0225]

National Certificate in Footwear (Level 4) with strands in Pattern

Cutting, Clicking, Closing, Bottom Stock, and Making and Lasting [Ref: 0226]

National Certificate in Steel Manufacturing (Level 3) with strands in Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) and Oxygen Bodenblasten Maxhutte Process

(OBM) [Ref: 0314]



Competenz has reviewed the qualifications listed above.


These qualifications will be discontinued from 31 May 2016.



Reason for the review


ˇ           These qualifications have not been used for the last 5 years and are not required by the industry.


Main changes resulting from the review


ˇ           These qualifications will be discontinued from 31 May 2016.




Transition arrangements are not necessary because no learners are enrolled in these qualifications.