Field Multifield
Revision of Agricultural and Horticultural Science, Drama Studies, English, and Geography achievement standards - multi-level.
Revised achievement standards
Domain |
ID |
Subject reference |
Agricultural and Horticultural Science |
91294 |
2.6 |
91530 |
3.3 |
Drama Studies |
91215 |
2.3 |
91514 |
3.3 |
English Visual Language |
90850 |
1.2 |
English Oral Language |
91099 |
2.2 |
Geography |
91242 |
2.3 |
New Registration date November 2017
Date new versions published November 2017
Planned review date December 2019
Main changes resulting from Revision of Achievement Standards
The changes to these achievement standards have been discussed and agreed to jointly by the Ministry of Education and NZQA in the Review of Achievement Standards group.
Subject Ref |
ID |
Int/Ext |
Change and reasons for change |
Ag/Ht 2.6 |
91294 |
Ext |
New Explanatory Note (EN) 3. This defines livestock in a broad way so that agribusiness contexts can be used for assessment. |
Ag/Ht 3.3 |
91530 |
Ext |
Amendment to EN 3 replacing “agricultural or horticultural” with “primary industry”, so that agribusiness contexts can be used for assessment. |
Drama 3.3 |
91514 |
Ext |
Amendment to EN 4 by removing “purpose”, for clarification, so that purpose is distinct from “features”. |
Drama 2.3 |
91215 |
Ext |
Amendment to EN 3 by removing “purpose”, for clarification, so that purpose is distinct from “features”. |
English 1.2 |
90850 |
Ext |
Amendment to EN 8 by adding an extra bullet “digital/online text”, to add a further option for text type. |
English 2.2 |
91099 |
Ext |
Amendment to EN 6 by adding an extra bullet “digital/online text”, to add a further option for text type. |
Geography 2.3 |
91242 |
Ext |
Amendment EN 3 by replacing “and” with “and/or”. This allows for case studies where the factors are mainly cultural or natural. The “and” proved to be too restrictive. |