Field Social Sciences
Revision of Level 1 and 2 Geography achievement standards
Revised achievement standards
Domain |
ID |
Subject reference |
Geography |
91012 |
1.6 |
91241 |
2.2 |
91244 |
2.5 |
91245 |
2.6 |
91246 |
2.7 |
New Registration date November 2017
Date new versions published November 2017
Planned review date December 2019
Main changes resulting from Agreed Revision of Achievement Standards
The changes to these achievement standards have been discussed and agreed to jointly by the Ministry of Education and NZQA in the Review of Achievement Standards group.
Subject Ref |
ID |
Int/Ext |
Change and reasons for change |
Geography 1.6 |
91012 |
Int |
Amendment to Explanatory Note (EN) 2 by replacing “assessing” with “describing in detail” in the second bullet point for Merit. This is consistent with other Merit expectations. |
Geography 2.2 |
91241 |
Int |
Amendment to EN 2 by replacing “explaining” with “describing” in the first bullet points for Achieved and Merit. This clarifies what is required. |
Geography 2.5 |
91244 |
Int |
Amendment to EN 2 by adding “/or” to the fourth bullet point for Achieved. This becomes a more realistic expectation for Level 2 compared to expectations for Level 3. |
Geography 2.6 |
91245 |
Int |
Amendment to EN 2 so that only one viewpoint is required when describing/explaining change over time as not all viewpoints change. |
Geography 2.7 |
91246 |
Int |
Amendment to EN 2 by replacing “causes” with “the factors and/or processes”, and removing reference to “causes” from EN 3. This aligns with wording in Level 1 and Level 3 standards. |