Field          Business


Rollover and Revision and Rollover of Public Sector Māori unit standards





Public Sector Services

Public Sector Māori

14943, 14950, 16214, 16218, 16224, 16225, 26529-26534, 26535, 26536


The Skills Organisation (Skills) has completed the Rollover and the Revision and Rollover of the unit standards listed above.


Date new versions published                                                          July 2017


Planned review date                                                                           December 2020




The mandatory review of the Public Sector qualifications has only just been finalised.  The flow-on effects of this mandatory review on the Public Sector Māori unit standards is unknown, so they have been revised and rolled over to extend their period of listing on the Directory of Assessment Standards (DAS). 


Once a full analysis of all existing unit standards in the Public Sector Services subfield has been completed, the Public Sector Maori unit standards will be reviewed in light of the new qualifications. 


Changes have been made only where necessary to ensure each standard is current (e.g. with legislation, references, and current templates).


Main changes


·      All standards have had their planned review dates extended to 31 December 2020.

·      The standards listed in bold have had minor updates to legislation and/or references.  These are relisted as having been revised and rolled over.  The remainder are simply listed as having been rolled over.