Republication of Boatbuilding Industries > Boatbuilding and Composites qualifications.
Republished qualifications
National Certificate in Boatbuilding (Level 4) with strands in Marine Cabinetmaking, Composite Sparmaking, Alloy Boatbuilding, Marine Rigging, Interior and Exterior Marine Painting, Composite Boatbuilding, Steel Boatbuilding, Wooden Boatbuilding, Marine Systems Engineering, Metal Sparmaking, Composite Production Trailer Boats, and Alloy Production Trailer Boats [Ref: 0877]
National Certificate in Boatbuilding (Marine Electrical and Electronic Installation) (Level 4) [Ref: 1681]
Replacement qualifications
New Zealand Certificate in Marine Interiors (Level 4) [Ref: 3026]
New Zealand Certificate in Boat Building (Level 4) with strands in Alloy, Composites, Steel, and Wood [Ref: 3057]
New Zealand Certificate in Production Boat Building (Alloy/Composite) (Level 4) [Ref: 3086]
New Zealand Certificate in Marine Systems (Level 4) with strands in Systems Engineering, and Electrical – Electronics [Ref: 3124]
The New Zealand Marine and Composites Industry Training Organisation (NZMACITO) has republished the qualifications listed above.
Reason for the republication
The national qualifications required an extension to the last date for entry into programmes leading to them and last date for assessment, in order to allow for the programmes leading to the New Zealand qualifications to be finalised and made available for delivery.
The last date for entry to programmes leading to the replaced national qualifications is 31 May 2018, and last date for assessment is 31 December 2019.
Main changes resulting from the republication
People currently working towards the expiring national qualification may choose to complete that qualification or transfer their results to the replacement New Zealand qualification.
The last date for entry into programmes leading to these qualifications is 31 May 2018.
The last date for assessment against the replaced qualifications is 31 December 2019.
It is not intended that any existing candidates are disadvantaged by these transition arrangements. However, anyone who feels disadvantaged should contact the qualification developer at:
New Zealand Marine and Composites Industry Training Organisation
PO Box 90448
Victoria Street West
Auckland 1142
Telephone 0800 600 242