Field           Community and Social Services


Revision of Snowsport Area Operations unit standards






Snowsport Area Operations

30128, 30129, 30136


Skills Active Aotearoa has completed the revision of the unit standards listed above.


Date new versions published                                                               August 2018


Planned review date                                                                              December 2022




The intent of the standards was that they recognise skills relating to safe working practices and the operation of lifts at alpine snowsport facilities.  However, feedback from industry has made it clear that the standards should not exclude candidates who work in alpine facilities where snow is not present.


Mountain facilities can be used during the off-season for other sport activities, such as mountain biking and guided walking.  People operating aerial lifts at mountain facilities gain the same skills whether working with snow sport or other sports.  These skills should be recognised by the available standards.  It should also be noted that some mountain facilities which use aerial lifts are intended for purposes other than snowsport, such as dedicated mountain bike parks.


The requirement for assessment against surface lifts (such as poma and T-bar lifts) prevents some candidates from being assessed against the standard in the absence of snow.  Feedback from industry indicates that it is sufficient for candidates to be proficient with aerial lifts.  At facilities where the operation of surface lifts is required, the amount of additional on-job training is minimal.


Additionally, standard 30129 required candidates to demonstrate queueing and loading policies for people with special needs or disabilities.  The wide range of potential special needs and disabilities and the difficulties encountered in simulating such needs for assessment purposes has presented a barrier to meaningful assessment of the requirement.  Candidates are still required to understand and describe relevant policies, but a practical demonstration is not required.


Main changes


·      The term mountain facility replaced the term snowsport area.

·      The requirements for candidates to assessed against the operation of surface lifts was removed.

·      The range statement in standard 30136 now covers mountain bikes.

·      Candidates are no longer required to demonstrate queueing and loading policies for people with special needs or disabilities, but the policies must still be described.


Detailed list of unit standards – classification, title, level, and credits


All changes are in bold.


Community and Social Services > Snowsport > Snowsport Area Operations






Demonstrate knowledge of and operate surface and aerial lifts at a mountain facility

Demonstrate knowledge of and operate aerial lifts at a mountain facility




Provide safe lift services to meet guests’ diverse needs at a mountain facility operation

Provide safe lift services to meet guests’ diverse needs at a mountain facility




Apply safe working procedures and practices in a mountain facility operations role