Field           Engineering and Technology, and Manufacturing


Revision of Food and Related Products Processing and Mechanical Engineering unit standards





Mechanical Engineering

Maintenance and Diagnostics in Mechanical Engineering


Metal Surface Finishing

2352, 2353, 2355, 2360, 2361, 2363, 16961

Food and Related Products Processing


14723, 14724, 15146

Baking - Biscuit

14725-14727, 15152

Baking - Bread

7864, 15151, 15154

Baking - Cake

14719, 14720

Baking - Cake and Biscuit


Baking - Pastry

7842, 10605, 10608, 14728


Competenz has completed the revision of the unit standards listed above.


Date new versions published                                                               December 2018


Planned review date                                                                              December 2021




Unit standards 14723, 14724,15146, 15050, 15151, and 15154 were revised to extend the last date of assessment of a previous version to align with the last dates of assessment of the National Certificate in Baking (Craft Baking) (Level 4) [Ref: 0590], National Certificate in Baking (Plant Baking) (Level 4) [Ref: 0591], and National Certificate in Baking (Craft Baking) (Level 4) [Ref: 1612].


Unit standards in the Metal Surface Finishing domain were revised to extend the last date of assessment of a previous version to align with the last date of assessment of the National Certificate in Engineering - Fabrication (Level 4) with strands in Heavy Fabrication, Light Fabrication, and Steel Construction [Ref: 0122].


These unit standards are fit for purpose and will be reviewed as planned.


Unit standards 7842, 7864, 10605, 10608,14719, 14720, 14725, 14726, 14727, 14728, and 15152 were set to expire during the last review, and were revised to extend the last date of assessment of a previous version to align with the last dates of assessment of the National Certificate in Baking (Craft Baking) (Level 4) [Ref: 0590], National Certificate in Baking (Plant Baking) (Level 4) [Ref: 0591], and National Certificate in Baking (Craft Baking) (Level 4) [Ref: 1612].


Main changes


·         The last date for assessment for previous versions of unit standard 2401 and unit standards in the Metal Surface Finishing domain was extended to 31 December 2022.

·         The last date for assessment for previous versions of unit standards in the Baking, Baking - Biscuit, Baking - Bread, Baking - Cake, Baking - Cake and Biscuit, and Baking - Pastry domains was extended to 31 December 2020.