Field Engineering and Technology
Expiry of Health, Safety and Environment qualifications.
National Certificate in Civil Infrastructure Health, Safety, and Environment (Supervision) (Level 4) [Ref: 1179].
Date of qualification expiry December 2020
Summary of review
These qualifications were reviewed and have been replaced. They will be discontinued.
Replacement qualifications
New Zealand Certificate in Workplace Health and Safety Practice (Level 3) [Ref: 3533].
New Zealand Certificate in Workplace Health and Safety Practice (Level 4) [Ref: 3534].
Date replacement qualifications listed November 2016
The last date for entry into programmes leading to these qualifications is 31 December 2018.
The last date for assessment of the replaced qualifications is 31 December 2020 when the qualifications will be discontinued.
People currently working towards the replaced qualifications must complete the requirements or transfer to a programme of study or training leading to the replacement qualifications by 31 December 2020.
It is anticipated that no existing candidates will be disadvantaged by this review. However, trainees who feel they have been disadvantaged may appeal to Connexis at the address below. Appeals will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
These qualifications contained standards that expired or were replaced by other standards. For these qualifications people who gave gained entry for the replacement standards are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the expiring or replaced standards – see table below.
Credit for |
Exemption from |
6451 |
20869 |
29315 |
20198 |
Infrastructure ITO (Connexis)
PO Box 2759
Wellington 6140
Telephone 0800 486 626