Field          Service Sector


Development of Cargo Operations unit standard 31175


MITO New Zealand Incorporated (MITO) has completed the development of unit standard 31175.


Date new version published                                                             May 2018


Planned review date                                                                           December 2023




The development of this unit standard was prompted by a request from industry to have a unit standard available that covered operating an excavator on board a vessel for the cargo handling sector of the wider ports and stevedoring industry.  This unit standard was written to be able to align with the New Zealand Certificate in Port Operations (Level 3) with strands in Port Administration, Cargo Handling, and Heavy Machine Operation [Ref: 2814].


The development was carried out in consultation with the industries’ working group.  Representation in the working group included subject matter experts from several New Zealand ports, industry representatives and MITO representatives.  The standard has also been circulated in the working group’s greater networks and all feedback was actioned where appropriate.


Main changes


·      One new unit standard was developed.


Detailed list of unit standards – classification, title, level, and credits


Service Sector > Stevedoring and Ports Industry > Cargo Operations






Operate an excavator to stow cargo on board a vessel in a port environment