Field Planning and Construction
Revision of Survey Practice unit standard 29406
Subfield |
Domain |
ID |
Surveying |
Survey Practice |
29406 |
The Infrastructure ITO has completed the revision of the unit standard listed above.
Date new version published May 2018
Planned review date 31 December 2020
This unit standard was revised because the New Zealand Institute of Surveying and professional surveyors considered that the credit was not correct in terms of the time requirements for checking and maintaining survey equipment. They compared the outcomes from this unit with similar units in surveying and decided to update the credit value.
Main changes
· The credit value of unit 29406 was increased from 12 to 15.
· A last date for assessment of version 1 of this standard was specified (31 December 2018).
Detailed list of unit standards – classification, title, level, and credits
All changes are in bold.
Planning and Construction > Surveying > Survey Practice
ID |
Title |
Level |
Credit |
29406 |
Set up, check calibration and maintain surveying equipment |
4 |
12 15 |