Field           Service Sector


Extension of Expiry of Real Estate unit standards





Real Estate

Real Estate Management

4693, 4694, 4696-4699, 4702-4705, 5146, 26153

Real Estate Practice and Law

4707, 22306, 23138

Rural, Residential, Commercial and Business Sales

4669, 4674, 4713, 15501, 23144, 23146, 23150-23154, 26151


The Skills Organisation (Skills) has extended the expiry date of the unit standards listed above.


Date new versions published                                                               October 2018




The following Real Estate qualifications were republished with their last date for entry and last date for assessment extended:


·         National Certificate in Real Estate (Branch Manager) (Level 5) [Ref: 1288]

·         National Diploma in Real Estate (Agent) (Level 5) [Ref: 1731]


The expiring units above are listed within these qualifications and, therefore, the last date of assessment was extended to reflect the qualification changes.


Main changes


·      Last date for assessment for each unit standard was extended to 31 December 2020.