CMR for Generic Design [Ref: 0235]
Review of NZQA National Qualifications Services CMR
NZQA National Qualifications Services has completed the review of the Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) above.
Date new version published July 2019
The next CMR review is planned to take place during 2024.
Summary of review
The CMR for Generic Design had not been reviewed since its registration in 2012. Initial changes to the CMR were made in conjunction with the main user of the standards and then all organisations with consent to assess under this CMR were surveyed to determine any further changes. This process resulted in minor changes being made to the requirements for consent to assess as noted below.
A separate review of the Moderation Requirements (MR) section that applies to all CMRs for NZQA Māori Qualifications Services and National Qualifications Services was undertaken by NZQA, and the reviewed version has been applied to this CMR.
Compliance with new requirements
Requirements for consent to assess will apply with effect from July 2019.
Moderation system requirements will apply with effect from July 2019.
Organisations with consent to assess will be expected to be able to demonstrate compliance with the CMR from January 2020 onwards.
Main changes
Requirements for Consent to Assess (RCA)
Visit waiver conditions
· Updated for consistency with other NZQA National Qualifications Services CMRs
Industry or sector-specific requirements for consent to assess
· Criterion 2 – legislation was updated.
· Criterion 3 – unit standard 30421 added as an option for demonstrating competence as an assessor, and title of unit standard 11551 was updated.
Moderation Requirements (MR)
This section has been revised to:
· reflect current practice, requirements and process
· reference the new NZQA business unit, Monitoring and Assessment
· provide information about the responsibilities and contact details of the NZQA business units involved in the National External Moderation process
· reflect online access to the moderation system
· provide updated links to documents.
Moderation system
· Moderation process and requirements detailed.
· Detail about current reporting requirements and process included.
· Reference to QAAMTM process, NZQA Best Practice Workshops, and additional moderator support added.
· The rate charged for additional support or activities has been added to reflect the fees rate introduced on 1 July 2018.
Non-compliance with moderation requirements
· Specific examples of NZQA actions added.
· Organisations referred to the NZQA website for specific guidance on the appeals process.