Field Community and Social Services
Revision of Rafting unit standards
Subfield |
Domain |
ID |
Outdoor Recreation |
Rafting |
31722, 31723, 31725, 31726 |
Skills Active Aotearoa has completed the revision of the unit standards above.
Date new versions published December 2020
Planned review date December 2025
Industry feedback indicated that some terminology in these standards had been used incorrectly and, therefore, was leading to confusion and inconsistent interpretation during assessment design.
Standards 31722, 31723, 31725 and 31726 were revised to clarify language and intent.
Main changes
· Titles, outcomes and performance criteria were amended to remove reference to ‘multi-pod’, therefore, removing barriers to assessment and aligning with current industry practice.
Detailed list of unit standards – classification, title, level, and credits
All changes are in bold.
Community and Social Services > Outdoor Recreation > Rafting
ID |
Title |
Level |
Credit |
31722 |
Coordinate and manage multi pod trips as a senior riverboard guide on Grade 3 rivers Coordinate and manage riverboard trips as a senior guide on Grade 3 rivers |
6 |
12 |
31723 |
Apply serious incident management skills as a senior riverboard guide for Grade 3 rivers |
6 |
13 |
31725 |
Coordinate and mange multi pod trips as a senior riverboard guide on Grade 4 or 5 rivers Coordinate and manage riverboard trips as a senior guide on Grade 4 or 5 rivers |
6 |
12 |
31726 |
Apply serious incident management skills as a senior riverboard guide for Grade 4 or 5 rivers |
6 |
13 |