Field           Engineering and Technology


Revision and rollover of Electrical Engineering unit standards





Electrical Engineering

Core Electrical

1174, 1178, 1206, 2017, 2031, 5907, 5929, 5930, 6626, 15846, 15847, 15853, 15861, 15864, 18997, 18998, 22721-22724

Electrical Installation and Maintenance

5922, 5924, 5925, 10783, 10786, 10788, 10789, 15859, 15871, 16412, 19001, 19002, 19004, 19006, 25631, 25634


The Skills Organisation has completed the revision and rollover of the unit standards listed above.


Date new versions published                                                               January 2021


Planned review date                                                                              December 2022




These unit standards have been revised and rolled over as requested by providers.  Once the providers have made a decision, these standards will be reviewed or expired by December 2022.  Some of these standards are used in qualification Ref: 1195 and others are used in New Zealand Certificates that are expiring in December 2021.


Main changes


·            The unit standards were updated to the latest template.

·            Guidance information section was amended to reflect current references (health and safety legislation, Codes of Practice and Standards).

·            Minor amendments in Outcome and/or Performance criteria wording were made in some standards for clarity and alignment, with no change in overall intent.

·            The planned review date was extended to December 2022.